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Set up Custom Font on a Web Page

Set up Custom Font on a Web Page

 HTML  28th June 2013 | Author: NikMan

If you would like to enrich your web page with some not ordinary font, follow this interesting CSS tutorial.

Learn How To Download a Web Page With PHP

Learn How To Download a Web Page With PHP

 PHP & MySQL  8th October 2013 | Author: podtalje

We will learn two different ways how to download a page in PHP from a web URL, learn how to use cURL and how to set a few additional options and finally show contents on your page.

How to Send E-mail in PHP

How to Send E-mail in PHP

 PHP & MySQL  28th October 2013 | Author: podtalje

We will learn how to create a simple HTML form for sending e-mail and how to process this data to send e-mail message in PHP.

Use PHP to connect to MySql database

Use PHP to connect to MySql database

 PHP & MySQL  21st May 2013 | Author: podtalje

In this lesson it will be shown how to use PHP to connect, run SQL query to retrieve data and insert a new record into MySql database.

How to write and use PHP functions

How to write and use PHP functions

 PHP & MySQL  24th April 2013 | Author: podtalje

Functions in PHP are a block of code that can be executed whenever we need it, without the need to write the same code again.

A fake gradient website background with CSS

A fake gradient website background with CSS

 HTML  21st August 2013 | Author: mat

You will learn how simple it is to apply a gradient background created using Photoshop or Gimp to a website using CSS.

jQuery panel to show info about cookies

jQuery panel to show info about cookies

 HTML  16th June 2013 | Author: podtalje

This tutorial will show you a way of implementing a customized solution to the impending EU cookie law by showing an info panel using jQuery.

Introduction to CSS text styles for beginners

Introduction to CSS text styles for beginners

 HTML  4th May 2013 | Author: NikMan

The very first steps in the world of CSS. We will create a HTML page with text and a CSS style file, then connect the both and play with font settings, all this in Adobe Dreamweaver.

Create a simple PHP form

Create a simple PHP form

 PHP & MySQL  27th February 2013 | Author: podtalje

Today we will learn how to create a simple form in HTML and how to use this data in PHP.

Image Resize in PHP

Image Resize in PHP

 PHP & MySQL  20th October 2013 | Author: podtalje

In this tutorial we will learn how to handle file uploads in PHP and how to resize and save the image with PHP code.

Save and compile your Visual Basic 2010 Project

Save and compile your Visual Basic 2010 Project

 Visual Basic  24th October 2011 | Author: mat

We're going to save and create an .exe file to be able to run the application independently on every supported Windows computer.

Windows Aero application window

Windows Aero application window

 Visual Basic  4th November 2011 | Author: mat

We're going to create a Windows Aero style application window which can then be used as a basis for other applications.

Fullscreen HTML5 video website background

Fullscreen HTML5 video website background

 HTML  3rd December 2013 | Author: mat

Check out how easy it is to apply a full-screen HTML5 looping video as website background using only CSS and no additional scripts.

Learn to use select  query in SQL

Learn to use select query in SQL

 PHP & MySQL  18th May 2013 | Author: podtalje

Using SELECT SQL queries is the most common way to retrieve data from MySql and also most of other databases.

Setting up PHP and MySql testing server with WAMP

Setting up PHP and MySql testing server with WAMP

 PHP & MySQL  30th January 2013 | Author: podtalje

If you want to start learning PHP and MySql, the first step is to setup complete environment on your local computer. This will include Apache web server with PHP support and MySql database server.

All in one PHP and MySql tutorial

All in one PHP and MySql tutorial

 PHP & MySQL  10th June 2013 | Author: podtalje

This tutorial will show you how to quickly learn basics of PHP and MySql and start developing PHP applications.

Displaying 1-16 of total 38
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