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Traveling information

Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, German in this case?

  Author: NikMan | Category: German language | 20th December 2011  

Do you speak German?

Writing: Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

I need help!

Writing: Ich brauche Hilfe!

Excuse me, where is the train station?

Writing: Entschuldigung, wo finde ich den Banhof?

Is there a hotel nearby?

Writing: Gibt es ein Hotel in der Nähe?

Can you tell me where a post office is?

Writing: Können Sie mir sagen, wo die Post ist?

I would like to order a taxi

Writing: Ich möchte ein Taxi bestellen

Where is the restaurant?

Writing: Wo ist ein Restaurant

I would like to exchange money

Writing: Ich möchte das Geld wechseln

How much is the ticket?

Writing: Wie viel kostet die Fahrkarte?

Where is a toilet?

Writing: Wo ist die Toillete?

Can I call you?

Writing: Kann ich Sie anrufen?

Where is the police?

Writing: Wo ist die Polizei?

On the left side

Writing: Auf der linken Seite

On the right-hand side

Writing: Auf der rechten Seite

I would like to book a room

Writing: Ich möchte ein Zimmer reservieren

How much for one night?

Writing: Wie viel kostet die Übernachtung?

Is there a store?

Writing: Gibt es hier einen Laden?

Personal identification (ID)

Writing: Personalausweis (der)


Writing: Reisepass (der)

Where is the airport?

Writing: Wo ist der Flughafen?

Drive staight forward

Writing: Fahren Sie geradeaus

Im looking for a bust station

Writing: Ich suche einen Busbahnhof

Where is the nearest pharmacy?

Writing: Wo ist die näheste Apotheke?

Where is the nearest car park?

Writing: Wo ist der Parkplatz?
Capital and the largest city of Germany with 4.2 million inhabitants. Between the years 1949 and 1990, Berlin was divided by a Berlin wall to a East and West Berlin. The city is nowadays considered as well as a cultural centre of Germany.
Getting to know each other
First steps
Time and date
Food and drinks
Ordering food and drinks
Traveling information
Education and work
Nature and wildlife

  Time and date
German language | Rating: 3.3
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German language | Rating: 3.1
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  First steps
German language | Rating: 3.7
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  Ordering food and drinks
German language | Rating: 3
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  Traveling information
German language | Rating: 3
Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, German in this case?
  Nature and wildlife
German language | Rating: 3.4
Nature is everything around us, we are nature and we should be doing everything in our power to preserve it. Now let's learn about nature in German language.
online learning made for people