Food and drinks
German language
Rating: 3.1
Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in German language.
Traveling information
German language
Rating: 3
Ever went to a country where people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, German in this case?
Getting to know each other
German language
Rating: 3.4
You will introduce yourself, ask for ones name and where they come from and the ever so popular I love you, all this in German.
Nature and wildlife
German language
Rating: 3.4
Nature is everything around us, we are nature and we should be doing everything in our power to preserve it. Now let's learn about nature in German language.
Time and date
German language
Rating: 3.3
Time is money or so they say. But what is certain, it's always good to be able to tell time in German language.
Ordering food and drinks
German language
Rating: 3
To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in German language.