Ordering food and drinks
German language
Rating: 3
To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in German language.
Getting to know each other
German language
Rating: 3.4
You will introduce yourself, ask for ones name and where they come from and the ever so popular I love you, all this in German.
German language
Rating: 2.8
Family is THE most important thing in the world. Let's learn how to say mom, dad, granny and much more in German language.
Education and work
German language
Rating: 2.8
Proper education and ability to put the theory is a winning combination when looking for new job, let's learn some basic phrases in German.
Traveling information
German language
Rating: 3
Ever went to a country where people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, German in this case?
Food and drinks
German language
Rating: 3.1
Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in German language.