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Displaying 17-32 of total 1945
Create a simple 3D snowman with Photoshop

Create a simple 3D snowman with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

I will show you how to draw a nice and simple snowman, using Adobe Photoshop 3D tools and features.

How to deactivate BitLocker encryption

How to deactivate BitLocker encryption

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you encrypted your USB drive and you don't need the password protected encryption anymore, all you have to do is decrypt it.

New MacBook Pro, iOS 6 and more on WWDC 2012

New MacBook Pro, iOS 6 and more on WWDC 2012

 News  | Author: mat

WWDC 2012, Apple's keynote brought us the whole new MacBook Pro, iOS6, new navigation maps and some other goodies.

Spectacular explosion of a Russian rocket

Spectacular explosion of a Russian rocket

 Links  | Author: Spaceman

A Russian unmanned rocket Proton-M, carrying three navigation satellites exploded in a spectacular manner just a few seconds after the take-off.

My first Visual Basic program

My first Visual Basic program

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

In this beginners lesson, we're going to create an application which will copy a text from one field to another by click of a button.

Generate random text with Microsfot Word

Generate random text with Microsfot Word

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Let's see how to automatically generate a random lorem ipsum text of any length using simple Microsoft Word functions.

Microsoft reveals prices for the Surface PRO tablet

Microsoft reveals prices for the Surface PRO tablet

 Links  | Author: mat

Microsoft has finally revealed the long anticipated prices for the Microsoft Surface Windows 8 Pro version rocking the Intel i5 processor.

Is daylight saving time useless?

Is daylight saving time useless?

 Links  | Author: podtalje

Daylight saving was first introduced by European countries during World War I, with much of the U.S. joining the party in 1918. The idea was that more hours of daylight would "conserve coal for the war effort.

1088 hp Rimac electric car can be yours for $990,000

1088 hp Rimac electric car can be yours for $990,000

 News  | Author: mat

A boutique Croatian high performance electric car manufacturer Rimac announced a price for their electric supercar Concept_One.

Windows 8 Pro will cost $70 but only for a while

Windows 8 Pro will cost $70 but only for a while

 News  | Author: mat

The promotional price for Windows 8 Pro will be $69.99 but after the promotion period ends it will cost you $199.

NASA released an 180 Megapixel panoramic photo

NASA released an 180 Megapixel panoramic photo

 News  | Author: mat

An epic panoramic photograph made by 18.000 stitched-together images of the entire night sky.

What do You Know About  Christopher Columbus?

What do You Know About Christopher Columbus?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Christopher Columbus was an European explorer and trader who by coincidence discovered America in the 15th Century. Check your knowledge and build up your Dreevoo profile.

How To Make Homemade Chocolate Cake

How To Make Homemade Chocolate Cake

 Editor's pick  | Author: Yelicca

Chocolate cake has to be one of the most popular cakes on the planet. This delicious desert is easier to make as you might think.                 

Enable Internet search from the start menu

Enable Internet search from the start menu

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

A less known feature that enables you to search the web from the Windows 7 start menu using Search programs and files field.

Turn a daylight photo of a house into a night shot (3/3)

Turn a daylight photo of a house into a night shot (3/3)

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Third and last part of the Haunted house Photoshop tutorial, where make some final tweaks to make the whole thing look as realistic as possible.

Incredible Airship of Doom Photoshop speedart video

Incredible Airship of Doom Photoshop speedart video

 Links  | Author: mat

Very talented and mighty patient Photoshop manipulation artist Alexander Koshelkov did it again. This time he created this epic wallpaper with a title Airship Of Doom.

Displaying 17-32 of total 1945
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