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How to rename the Tile in Windows 8

How to rename the Tile in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Cob

If you are a fan of using the main screen in windows 8, but you doesn't like name of the tile, you can rename it. In this lesson I will show you how we can easily rename tile in Windows 8.

Wrinkles be gone GIMP tutorial

Wrinkles be gone GIMP tutorial

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

You may think one has to be a trained professional to be able to remove the wrinkles from a picture. Think again.

Backing up your Apple computer with Time Machine

Backing up your Apple computer with Time Machine

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Mac OS X comes with a nice feature called Time Machine, which you can use to backup pictures, documents and other files on your Mac computer.

How to open command prompt from a certain folder

How to open command prompt from a certain folder

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Very handy and a less known way of opening a Windows command prompt window from any folder you choose.

Hosting web pages on Google Drive

Hosting web pages on Google Drive

 Web services  | Author: podtalje

Did you know that on Google Drive it is also possible host HTML web pages. Go through this lesson and learn how to do it.

Image link

Image link

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: mat

In this beginners lesson we're going to insert an image to the web page and add a working link to it.

How to connect to WiFi hotspot with Windows Phone 8

How to connect to WiFi hotspot with Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

In case you were wondering how to connect to a wireless network with a Windows Phone 8 powered phone, wonder no more.

A pod of Killer Whales chasing a small speed boat

A pod of Killer Whales chasing a small speed boat

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

Watch this incredible footage of gorgeous Orca killer whales chasing a speeding boat. Trully fascinating and well worth a watch.

Check how your webpage looks like on Facebook

Check how your webpage looks like on Facebook

 Web services  | Author: mat

A very useful Facebook debugger tool where you can check how your webpage looks like on Facebook when like button is pressed, without actually pressing the like button.

Take a dive into the Ocean with Google Street View

Take a dive into the Ocean with Google Street View

 News  | Author: TheDude

Google Street View Maps expanded into the ocean. You can now explore beautiful reefs and swim with exotic underwater creatures without getting wet.

HP TouchPad from $99 in HP's Ebay store

HP TouchPad from $99 in HP's Ebay store

 News  | Author: mat

HP is going to revive the TouchPad sale on their Ebay Store on December 11th at 6:00PM Central time.

Item cannot be copied there isn't enough free space

Item cannot be copied there isn't enough free space

 Apple software  | Author: mat

You deleted everything from your USB key or a drive, so there should be enough free space to copy the new files, but you still get the not enough free space message in Mac OS X? This is what you need to do.

Download and apply web templates in Dreamweaver

Download and apply web templates in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: mat

You can download thousands of templates for free and customize them for your needs using Adobe Dreamweaver.



 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Language is based on alphabet. You will learn how to write and pronounce all the letters of Portuguese alphabet.

How to add page numbers in Google Drive document

How to add page numbers in Google Drive document

 Web services  | Author: bole

In this lesson you will learn how you can easily add page numbers to your document and also how to display the total number of pages.

How to engrave text into a Halloween pumpkin

How to engrave text into a Halloween pumpkin

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In this simple tutorial I will show you how to chisel a text into a Halloween pumpkin using Photoshop.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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