Prepare to be dazzled. Spectacular timelapse video created from the pictures taken by the astronauts who worked on the International Space Station in the last 11 years.
In case you just upgraded your iOS powered device to iO7 or any other version and now this device runs slower than it used to, this resetting of the device procedure might speed things up.
Some websites overlay their photos and images with another blank image. But there's an easy way to download those pictures if you are using Google Chrome browser.
Use the Open Browser Window behavior to open a page in new window. We will insert an image in a document, than we will set a value to the image to open new window by clicking on inserted image.
Check out unique 360-degree view of the Hafjell MTB World Cup track. Use the up/down/left/right cursor keys of your keyboard or click and drag with your mouse on the video player.