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Displaying 97-112 of total 1945
Show notifications on lock screen of Windows Phone 8

Show notifications on lock screen of Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

Windows Phone 8 enables you to choose the apps you want them to display its status on the lock screen of your phone. For instance a notification that you just got a new Gmail email.

Interesting facts from nature and world in general

Interesting facts from nature and world in general

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

Did you know that unlike most creatures goats have rectangular pupils? Step in for many more of the amazingly intriguing facts from the world of nature and beyond you probably were not aware of.

Arrays in PHP

Arrays in PHP

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

Arrays in PHP allows us to store more values into one variable which makes access to the values much easier.

Set up an alarm clock on Nokia N9

Set up an alarm clock on Nokia N9

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

Nokia N9 has introduced an innovative way of setting up an alarm, that almost everyone is using today. And we must say it's really well made.

How to put a Windows 8 Phone into Airplane mode

How to put a Windows 8 Phone into Airplane mode

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

Airplane mode on a phone is  when you disable all the active connections like WiFi, bluetooth and mobile network. Let's see how to enable it so you don't need to turn off your phone on an airplane.

Add a birthday reminder in Windows Phone 8

Add a birthday reminder in Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

If you don't ever want to forget about the birthdays of the people that important to you, I suggest you to add a birthday reminder.

Entertainment and culture

Entertainment and culture

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

We need to relax more in this time and age and having fun sounds like a great way to forget about the daily routine. Let's have fun in Italian language!

Create a ribbon with custom logo using Photoshop

Create a ribbon with custom logo using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

I'm going to show you how to create an attractive ribbon with any given logo or text from scratch using Photoshop.

Calculate workdays between dates using Excel

Calculate workdays between dates using Excel

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

We're going to calculate how many workdays, considering the holidays, are there between two specific dates

Replacing RAM in your PC

Replacing RAM in your PC

 Computers  | Author: mat

We will learn how to replace or upgrade physical memory or so called RAM in you personal computer.

Test your awareness

Test your awareness

 Links  | Author: Sheeva

Let's see how focused and aware you are by trying to count all the ball passes that were made in the video behind this link.

There is still hope for the Amazon Rainforest

There is still hope for the Amazon Rainforest

 News  | Author: mat

The latest data shows, that deforestation of the Amazon has sunk to record low levels, since they started observing its shrinking.

How to use content aware scaling the right way

How to use content aware scaling the right way

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

We already published a similar tutorial, but this time we will find out how to resize images while the selected areas stay the same.

Oldest prehistoric town in Europe discovered

Oldest prehistoric town in Europe discovered

 News  | Author: mat

In Bulgaria archaeologists discovered the oldest prehistoric town in Europe and it is suppose to be nearly 7,000 years old.

GIMP mosaic effect

GIMP mosaic effect

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

GIMP has a lot of built-in filters for making your images look interesting. Mosaic is one of them.

How to use Item check boxes in Explorer in Windows 8

How to use Item check boxes in Explorer in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

Windows 8 allows much easier work in Explorer. One of useful options that makes work easier is also Item check boxes. 

Displaying 97-112 of total 1945
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