On June 13th, 2013, the AeroVelo Atlas Human-Powered Helicopter captured the long standing AHS Sikorsky Prize with a flight lasting 64.1 seconds and reaching an altitude of 3.3 metres.
Using keyboard shortcuts in the most advanced commercial tool for photo manipulation can really speed up your creative process. Do you know your Photoshop for Windows shortcuts?
The simulator called LOLA was built to study problems related to landing on the lunar surface as part of the Apollo program. You will also see the original video of how the simulation actually looked like.
If you are a fan of using the main screen in windows 8, but you doesn't like name of the tile, you can rename it. In this lesson I will show you how we can easily rename tile in Windows 8.
You probably seen video where clips are playing in a title text and made you wondered how the heck to they do that. Well it's pretty easy to create the video in text effect with Adobe Premiere.
If you manage a Facebook Page there is a very useful feature you might have missed. You can schedule your posts in advance or you can even date them back down on the Page timeline.
If you are using removable disk or USB key then you should look at this lesson. I will show you how you can safely remove your device from computer without the fear of losing data.
The good folks at the Delft University of Technology came up with a dragonfly-like winged machine that can fly completely autonomously until the batteries allow.