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Displaying 1041-1056 of total 1945
How to setup and use Google Drive

How to setup and use Google Drive

 Web services  | Author: mat

Google Drive is your private space on the Internet, where you can store any data you want and synchronize it with you PC, Mac or Android powered device. Let me show you how.

A Cappella Science - Bohemian Gravity

A Cappella Science - Bohemian Gravity

 Links  | Author: TheDude

This awesome version of the legendary Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody is probably the best thing on the Internet right now.

How to add page numbers

How to add page numbers

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to add page numbers to you document in just a few clicks.

Put the computer into Hibernation

Put the computer into Hibernation

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you put your computer into hibernation, the next time you turn it on, you'll get all your windows and programs open just the way they were before the shutdown. 

Birth of the Hertz

Birth of the Hertz

 News  | Author: mat

On this day, 118 years ago a German physicist named Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was born, responsible for the first successful wireless transmission.  

History of music in an awesome illustrated video

History of music in an awesome illustrated video

 Links  | Author: Sheeva

Fun, creative and very educational video showing history of music from its very beginning, through classical, to the modern forms of music like rock, metal and electronic music we are familiar with today.

How to open multiple tabs at startup Google Chrome

How to open multiple tabs at startup Google Chrome

 Web services  | Author: Brodjan

Google Chrome has a setting where you can enter several different websites, which will open automatically when you start Google Chrome.

Incredibly fun short clips explaining physics

Incredibly fun short clips explaining physics

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

What is sea level, is it better to walk or run in the rain, why is it dark at night, what is dark matter and many more questions explained in short videos in a real fun and intuitive way.

What do you know about Iron Curtain?

What do you know about Iron Curtain?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Pena

The Iron Curtain symbolized the ideological conflict and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas during Cold War. Iron Curtain divided countries in the capitalist West and the socialist countries of East.

Create a copyright watermark using Photoshop

Create a copyright watermark using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

If you don't want others to use your photos and images without your permission, you can create a so called custom watermark with your name or any other text you want.

How to make a homemade hamburger without a grill

How to make a homemade hamburger without a grill

 Recipes  | Author: Realife

Let's make a nice, simple and tasty homemade hamburger without the use of a grill, and I'm telling you, it will taste way better than in any of fast-food chains.

The Expendables 2 flash game

The Expendables 2 flash game

 Links  | Author: mat

Play the awesome action packed flash game they made for The Expendables 2 movie, become Arnie and deploy & destroy.

Trully Amazing Abby - Monsters Animation

Trully Amazing Abby - Monsters Animation

 Links  | Author: Sheeva

Gorgeous black and white animation picked by Vimeo staff. Watch it you are in for a visual treat.

Boost up picture colors

Boost up picture colors

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to make a picture look a bit more lively by enhancing the contrast and colors.

How to check the engine oil level of your car

How to check the engine oil level of your car

 Automotive  | Author: mat

I will show you how the check the level of motor oil in a car and how to add it the oil need to be refilled.

All about the new Nokia Lumia 1020

All about the new Nokia Lumia 1020

 Links  | Author: TheDude

Nokia officially release a brand new Nokia Lumia 1020 Windows phone with amazing camera capabilities made possible by the 41-megapixel PureView camera technology.

Displaying 1041-1056 of total 1945
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