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Displaying 81-96 of total 1945
Happy SysAdmin day!

Happy SysAdmin day!

 Links  | Author: mat

July 27 is the day when we show some appreciation to all the hard working System Administrators out there.

Setup and save your own Workspace in Photoshop CS6

Setup and save your own Workspace in Photoshop CS6

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

Customizing workspace to your needs can save quite a lot of time you would otherwise spend looking for tools you use all the time.

Google Drive finally launched

Google Drive finally launched

 News  | Author: mat

The long awaited Google Drive service has been finally released. Now you can store everything you want to your place on the Internet and access it from anywhere.

Create images for Dreevoo tutorials using our app

Create images for Dreevoo tutorials using our app

 Other applications  | Author: mat

Dreevoo Content Image Maker is an awesome little stand-alone Windows app that will help you create images for Dreevoo.com tutorials. Remember, you get paid for every published tutorial.

How to Install Windows 8 in VMware Player part 1

How to Install Windows 8 in VMware Player part 1

 Other applications  | Author: mat

In the part one of tutorial, I will show you how to create a new virtual computer and prepare it to install Windows 8 Consumer Preview or the latest Windows 8 Release Preview.

How to take a screen shot on an iPad

How to take a screen shot on an iPad

 Mobile platforms  | Author: KimmyK

Capturing a screen of your iPad into an image can be quite useful sometimes, without that option, making this tutorial would not be as simple as it was.

Defining font and color of links in Dreamweaver

Defining font and color of links in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: bole

In this lesson we will define style and color of the font, then finally change the color of text links, all this in Adobe Dreamweaver.

How to enable ftp server on Mac OS X 10.8

How to enable ftp server on Mac OS X 10.8

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Apple Mac OS X Lion and Mountain Lion don't come with a button that enables the ftp server by only a click, but that still doesn't mean the ftp server isn't included. Let's see how to enable it.

Elbows with tomato sauce

Elbows with tomato sauce

 Recipes  | Author: Realife

If you're in a hurry and want something tasty and energizing, then there's not reason not to try making tomato sauce pasta.

How to replace sky using Photoshop

How to replace sky using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In this step-by-step Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to replace an empty sky with a nice blue sky with fluffy clouds, neat trick indeed.

How to restore deleted files

How to restore deleted files

 Other applications  | Author: bole

Sometimes we accidantally delete files from our disk or USB drive. In this lesson I will show you how to restore deleted files.

A Cappella Science - Bohemian Gravity

A Cappella Science - Bohemian Gravity

 Links  | Author: TheDude

This awesome version of the legendary Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody is probably the best thing on the Internet right now.

iPhone 5 video review by The Verge

iPhone 5 video review by The Verge

 Links  | Author: mat

As always great video review by The Verge of the new iPhone 5, it's suppose to be the best one yet.

Start learning PHP - part 1

Start learning PHP - part 1

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

In our first lesson we will learn some very basic steps in PHP which will be enough for you to start writing your very own PHP programs.

Show your current location on a map

Show your current location on a map

 Web services  | Author: NikMan

You are travelling around the world and you friend just asked you where are you located this moment. You will find out how to do that.

Nokia Lumia 928 camera compared to iPhone 5

Nokia Lumia 928 camera compared to iPhone 5

 Links  | Author: mat

Nokia Lumia 928 is still a company's well kept secret, but that didn't stop Nokia to release an official video comparing it to a couple of its current competitors in low-light conditions.

Displaying 81-96 of total 1945
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