If you'r a fast typer and don't pay much attention to spelling or English isn't your first language? No biggie, you can get a spell checker add-on for Firefox.
If you are mostly using only one resample image option when resizing images, then you can change the default option to the option you are using the most.
The famous mule robot named BigDog can now handle and throw big and heavy objects thanks to its new addition in a form of an exceptionally strong robotic arm.
TinEye is a great reverse image search online service, that can tell you where an image came from, find different sizes of the image and you can find out if someone is using your image without your permission.
Proper education and ability to put the theory in practice is a winning combination when looking for new job, let's learn some basic phrases in Portuguese.
If you know how to sing or hum a song, but don't know the title or the artist performing it, you can use a midomi website which will help you find the the song.