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Displaying 769-784 of total 1945
My first audio CD

My first audio CD

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, you can learn how to burn your first audio CD. Songs must be stored in seperate folder on our computer.

The exact Windows 8 release date

The exact Windows 8 release date

 Links  | Author: mat

Microsoft has announced the exact date when Windows 8 is going to be available for purchase, and the date is ...

Turn photo into a Puzzle Photoshop tutorial

Turn photo into a Puzzle Photoshop tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In this tutorial we will take a random photo and make it look like an unfinished puzzle.

Activate new Timeline profile for Facebook pages

Activate new Timeline profile for Facebook pages

 Web services  | Author: mat

Facebook has just launched a new look for Facebook pages, already known from personal profiles and this is how you activate it.

Create a Chart by Pressing a Single Key in Excel

Create a Chart by Pressing a Single Key in Excel

 Microsoft Office  | Author: NikMan

Did you know that you can easily and really fast create a graph inside Excel, and I mean just with one button on your keyboard?

Proccessing of vertical video clips in Premiere

Proccessing of vertical video clips in Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: bole

This guide serves as an additional knowledge for Adobe Premiere. I will show you processing of vertical video clip which will be nicely visible also in horizontal view.

Window switching in Windows 7

Window switching in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to switch active windows using keyboard shortcuts.

How to add page numbers

How to add page numbers

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to add page numbers to you document in just a few clicks.

Turn your notebook into a WiFi Hotspot

Turn your notebook into a WiFi Hotspot

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you don't have a wireless router, you can easily turn your laptop or a PC into a virtual wireless router and share your Internet connection.

Gmail in Outlook

Gmail in Outlook

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

A lesson on how to set up your Outlook to receive and send Gmail e-mail.

And The Nobel Prize 2012 winners are

And The Nobel Prize 2012 winners are

 Links  | Author: mat

It's that time of the year when The Nobel Prize winners in the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, world peace and economics are being announced.

A new rat species discovered that cannot chew

A new rat species discovered that cannot chew

 News  | Author: Sheeva

In Indonesia a brand new type of a few-toothed rodent was found that cannot chew or gnaw, so how and what does it eat then?



 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Numbers are basically universal but pronunciation and writing are different in pretty much all languages and and Portuguese is no exception.

How well do you know historical figures?

How well do you know historical figures?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

How well do you know people who have one way or the other influenced on the development of different parts of the world?

How to add webpage to favorites in Windows Phone 8

How to add webpage to favorites in Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

Adding a website to the favorites on your Windows Phone 8 device is pretty simple, all you have to do is the following.

Change default resample image option in Photoshop

Change default resample image option in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you are mostly using only one resample image option when resizing images, then you can change the default option to the option you are using the most.

Displaying 769-784 of total 1945
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