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Displaying 705-720 of total 1945
How to use and pin Notes in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

How to use and pin Notes in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you are fan of writing notes as reminders of what you need to do then Mac OS X Mountain Lion has got you covered.

Automatic transitions in PowerPoint

Automatic transitions in PowerPoint

 Microsoft Office  | Author: NikMan

In today's tutorial, you will learn how to set up transition times between slides in PowerPoint in only a few steps.

What are the specifications of my Mac computer

What are the specifications of my Mac computer

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you find yourself in a situation when you need to list your Mac specs or you just want know if you really got what you paid for, this is how you find them out.

What kind of a graphic card I have Windows 7 tip

What kind of a graphic card I have Windows 7 tip

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If somebody asks you what kind of a graphic card you have, this is how you find out. Should work in Windows XP as well.

Blood cells effect

Blood cells effect

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to make a quite realistic blood cells effect using only Photoshop filters.

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

 News  | Author: mat

The largest iceberg calving ever documented on a film, imagine the Manhattan breaking apart in front of your eyes.

Make a road wet using Photoshop

Make a road wet using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to open a picture of a road and make it look wet by applying some tools and filters.

Show your current location on a map

Show your current location on a map

 Web services  | Author: NikMan

You are travelling around the world and you friend just asked you where are you located this moment. You will find out how to do that.

Motorola to build modular smartphones

Motorola to build modular smartphones

 News  | Author: mat

Motorola disclosed an open-source project for modular smartphones, meaning you will be able to replace a camera with a new one, by simply changing the camera module. How great does that sound?

How good is your knowledge of Hollywood movies?

How good is your knowledge of Hollywood movies?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California, famous for its commercial area and entertainment industry, and a name used to represent the motion picture industry of the United States.

Create bootable Windows 8 USB key

Create bootable Windows 8 USB key

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

You will learn how to create a bootable Windows 8 USB key using a Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool.

Chicken legs with potato and zucchini recipe

Chicken legs with potato and zucchini recipe

 Recipes  | Author: Pena

Today I will show you my way how to prepare chicken legs. As a side dish I will prepare baked potato and zucchini. The combination gives very good combination of tastes.

Man had his hand attached to his ankle

Man had his hand attached to his ankle

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

Xiao Wei had an accident and lost his right arm, but as his severed hand needed some time to heal, surgeons couldn't reattach instantly. 

Floating selection in Gimp

Floating selection in Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: KimmyK

If you are pretty new to Gimp and don't know really what to do with floating selections, allow me to break it down for you.

Get an email if someone else logs in to your Facebook

Get an email if someone else logs in to your Facebook

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you are afraid of being hacked or someone else using your Facebook account you can enable option that will send you an email or text message in case your account has been accessed from a device that you never used before.

Make videos play backwards using Adobe Premiere

Make videos play backwards using Adobe Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: mat

Basic and essential Adobe Premiere video editing tutorial, on how to play clips and videos backwards.

Displaying 705-720 of total 1945
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