Mountain Lion enables you to set notification alerts to remind you of upcoming birthdays, tasks, meetings and other important events you might have in your calendar.
Adobe Photoshop always was on of the best (if not the best) image manipulation tools out there. It all started in 1987, when Thomas Knoll decided to create a program for Mac computers.
Neat little trick to force the preview images of running programs in Windows 7 taskbar or a so called Aero Peek, to show instantly with no delay at all.
Let's install a YouTube download extension that will enable you to download YouTube movies. You will also learn how to install a Google Chrome extension that isn't in the Google Chrome store.
India has achieved several great scientific achievements in the short span of its post-independence history. Go throught this short quiz and find out how good do you know Indian scientists.
If you are using the same entries all over again, you can create a custom list with these entries and when you need it just enter the first one then drag the cell down for the rest to fill out automatically.
It's highly recommended to protect your computer against Virus, Malware, Spyware and other potential threats. Microsoft Security Essentials is one of the better, free solutions.
If you are mostly using only one resample image option when resizing images, then you can change the default option to the option you are using the most.