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Displaying 641-656 of total 1945
Best way to protect your Windows 8 computer against viruses for free

Best way to protect your Windows 8 computer against viruses for free

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

We are going to download and install one of the best if not the best free anti-virus protection programs out there.

Stop Facebook from showing ads you like

Stop Facebook from showing ads you like

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you are a "private" person and don't want your profile picture or name to appear on your friend's feed next to ads you liked, then follow this steps.

How to resize tiles in Windows 8

How to resize tiles in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

Windows 8 tiles are pretty customizable, let me show you what tile sizes are available and how you change them

Logo on a mug

Logo on a mug

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to open a picture of a mug, put a logo on it and then take proper actions to make it look realistic.

Incredibly fun short clips explaining physics

Incredibly fun short clips explaining physics

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

What is sea level, is it better to walk or run in the rain, why is it dark at night, what is dark matter and many more questions explained in short videos in a real fun and intuitive way.

How to stop Firefox from storing your passwords

How to stop Firefox from storing your passwords

 Web services  | Author: mat

You wouldn't believe how easy it is to display all your saved passwords in Firefox browser, let me show you how to make your Firefox more secure, especially if you let others use your computer.

Screenshot on Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8

Screenshot on Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

You can easily capture any screen you are currently in on your Nokia Lumia 920, Windows Phone 8 powered smartphone.

Girl with a dragon Tattoo Gimp tutorial

Girl with a dragon Tattoo Gimp tutorial

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

In this simple Gimp tutorial I will show you how to put a dragon tattoo on a lovely girl's back.

How to set up and monitor shares in Windows 8

How to set up and monitor shares in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Pena

Windows 8 also brings a very transparent tool for examining global indices, where you can also optionally keep track of the value of individual shares.

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs HTC One photo comparison

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs HTC One photo comparison

 Links  | Author: mat

Lumia 1020 41-megapixel PureView camera meets the HTC One 4-megapixel camera with UltraPixel technology. Who do you think won?

Adjust text to look the best in Windows 7

Adjust text to look the best in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Let me show yo how to adjust the text in Windows 7 to make it look the best for your screen and your eyes using Clear Type.

Facebook hits 1 Billion active monthly users

Facebook hits 1 Billion active monthly users

 Links  | Author: mat

Mark Zuckerberg is a happy man, as 1/7 of the world population is using his social media network on a monthly basis.

How to add a Pinterest Pin it button to Wordpress

How to add a Pinterest Pin it button to Wordpress

 Web services  | Author: mat

Adding a Pin it button to pin Wordpress content to Pinterest is quite simple, all you need to do is to download the Wordpress plugin and install it in the Wordpress dashboard.

French salad recipe

French salad recipe

 Recipes  | Author: bole

Popular dish that can be served as a side dish. It is very popular at picnics, because it goes very good with grilled dishes.

Telephone calls to business

Telephone calls to business

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Learn the basics of telephone calls to a business, this time in Italian language in this intuitive audio language lesson.

What do you know about Curling?

What do you know about Curling?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Cob

Curling is a sport in which players slide stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four rings. The game is more than 400 years old. Take this quiz and find out how familiar you really are with this Ice game.

Displaying 641-656 of total 1945
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