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Displaying 17-32 of total 1945
How to create simple forum in PHP from scratch

How to create simple forum in PHP from scratch

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

In this lesson we will cover most of the basic PHP knowledge and will learn how to create a very simple forum by using PHP and MySql database.

Check your history of video games knowledge

Check your history of video games knowledge

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

If you were or still are a fan of video and computer games then this basic quiz shouldn't be much of a challenge. And don't forget you build up your Dreevoo knowledge profile by going through this short tests.

How to Install Windows 8 in VMware Player part 2

How to Install Windows 8 in VMware Player part 2

 Other applications  | Author: mat

In the part 1 of the tutorial we have created a new virtual computer and prepare it to install Windows 8 Consumer Preview or Windows Release Preview, let's now proceed with installation. 

What do you know about Australia?

What do you know about Australia?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

We have all heard about Australia, kangaroos, koalas and the magnificent landscapes, but there's much more to this vast and still quite unpopulated continent down under.

How well do you know India cuisine?

How well do you know India cuisine?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

India cuisine or Indian food encompasses a wide variety of regional cuisines native to India. Take this quiz to see how familiar are you with diverse Indian food.

How to turn off predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S3

How to turn off predictive text on Samsung Galaxy S3

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

If you are like me, annoyed by the predictive XT9 text when typing a text message you can always turn it off, let me show you how.

What do you know about Vietnam War?

What do you know about Vietnam War?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Brodjan

The Vietnam War, was a Cold War-era proxy war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Find out what else you know about the topic.

How to install VLC player

How to install VLC player

 Other applications  | Author: Cob

We will install VLC player, which is one of the most versatile players. The biggest advantage of the VLC player is that it does not need any additional codecs.

Autumn Transformation Photoshop Tutorial

Autumn Transformation Photoshop Tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

We will open a summer photograph and with little tricks make autum colors on it. Simple and pretty simple tutorial to follow.

Links between web pages

Links between web pages

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: bole

We will create three new web pages for an imaginary company. Then we will link them to allow transitions between them.

Using a mirror cloning technique in Photoshop

Using a mirror cloning technique in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

A so called mirror cloning technique is a great way to fix or alter a photo where a traditional cloning technique simply doesn't cut it.

Ridiculously hi-res panorama photo of Mars surface

Ridiculously hi-res panorama photo of Mars surface

 Links  | Author: mat

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took an amazing 360 high-resolution panoramic photo of the Mars' terrain.

Make a night vision photo effect with Photoshop

Make a night vision photo effect with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

A really easy Adobe Photoshop tutorial where you will make a pretty cool night vision effect on a random photo.

Website design part 3

Website design part 3

 Web services  | Author: Brodjan

In third part of our tutorial of making a Website we will create a main logo. We will create logo by using freeware application Gimp2.

How good is your general knowledge of Science?

How good is your general knowledge of Science?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Pena

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge on diferent branches. In this knowledge check we have prepared for you a few general knowledge questions of science. 

Microsoft introduces Xbox SmartGlass app

Microsoft introduces Xbox SmartGlass app

 Links  | Author: mat

Microsoft introduced details of their novelty that is suppose to be a part of the reason why 2012 is going to be the most epic year in Microsoft's history.

Displaying 17-32 of total 1945
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