With the new version of Photoshop, you also get a new cropping tool called Perspective Crop Tool which will change the perspective on a image. Check it out, it really is a cool tool.
From today on, Google's RSS reading service the Google Reader will retire for good. We already published the alternatives, but here they again in case you missed or didn't yet bother looking for the substitute.
Sometimes you get an email with a lot of attachments and saving them one after another to your computer can be really time consuming. Let's learn how to save all Outlook attachments at the same time.
Spectacular real time footage of a full moon rising over the Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. Treat yourself with a couple of minutes of nature's finest.
A real useful tutorial for the beginners where you will learn how to do a simple zoom in effect on a random text and them zoom out of it again in Adobe Premiere CS5.
X-rays are a form of invisible, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. X-rays are very small and energetic. They are used in different branches of science.