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Displaying 241-256 of total 1945
Ridiculously hi-res panorama photo of Mars surface

Ridiculously hi-res panorama photo of Mars surface

 Links  | Author: mat

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took an amazing 360 high-resolution panoramic photo of the Mars' terrain.

The mirror effect

The mirror effect

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Remember as a kid you played with a mirror, putting your face to the side of it and your friends were laughing  at the funny symmetry of your face and your faces reflection?

Turn on dynamic animated wallpaper in iOS 7

Turn on dynamic animated wallpaper in iOS 7

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

The newest iOS7 for Apple mobile devices like iPhone or iPad come with a number of neat looking features, dynamic background is one of them.

Photoshop personalized New Year greeting card part 1

Photoshop personalized New Year greeting card part 1

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Create a New Year's card made out of pictures and photos that made your year. This is the part one of the Photoshop tutorial.

How to change the mouse pointer on a website

How to change the mouse pointer on a website

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: NikMan

A simple Dreamweaver HTML tutorial where we change the shape of a mouse pointer/cursor on a link or image rollover on a website using a CSS style property.

How to create a continuous pattern using Photoshop

How to create a continuous pattern using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you were ever wondering how the heck do they create those continuous patterns, then wonder no more and check this neat Photoshop tutorial that might teach you a new designing trick or two.

Create a custom short url using Tinyurl web service

Create a custom short url using Tinyurl web service

 Web services  | Author: mat

Using Tinyurl web address shortener is a great way to create custom url's in no time.

How to set data usage limit on Samsung Galaxy SII

How to set data usage limit on Samsung Galaxy SII

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

If you are on a certain data plan on your mobile provider, and don't want to exceed it, you can set data usage warning and a limit which can help you save some of your money.

How good do you know our solar system?

How good do you know our solar system?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Would you say, you know a lot about space and our solar system? Well I suggest you put your money where your clicking finger is and go through the quick questioner.

Ordering food and drinks

Ordering food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Russian language.

Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop

Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

I will show you how to get rid of an object in a picture using content-aware capabilities of Adobe Photoshop. 

Robotic voice effect

Robotic voice effect

 Other applications  | Author: mat

In this lesson we're going to apply some filters to achieve that robotic voice we all know and love.

Stretch and crop the video in Adobe Premiere

Stretch and crop the video in Adobe Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: bole

In this lesson I will show you how to stretch the video to full screen. We will also look how to crop the video.

How to connect to WiFi hotspot with Windows Phone 8

How to connect to WiFi hotspot with Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

In case you were wondering how to connect to a wireless network with a Windows Phone 8 powered phone, wonder no more.

How to set Shutdown icon in taskbar in Windows 8

How to set Shutdown icon in taskbar in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

Similar guide for Windows 8 is already posted on the site, but here you will get familiar how to add an shutdown icon to your taskbar.

How to delete an app on Android Nexus 4

How to delete an app on Android Nexus 4

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

Removing installed apps from your Android powered smartphone is very straight forward and simple.

Displaying 241-256 of total 1945
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