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Displaying 209-224 of total 1945
Microsoft Illumishare: share everyhing!

Microsoft Illumishare: share everyhing!

 News  | Author: mat

You might freak out when you see this, great concept by Microsoft, a demonstration how to share digital and physical objects in real time.

How to create engraved text effect on a Website

How to create engraved text effect on a Website

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

As you probably noticed on a lot of websites these days, there is an engraved looking effect added to text, let me show you how to add that effect using CSS.

Tokyo 360 Panorama the 2nd largest photo ever made

Tokyo 360 Panorama the 2nd largest photo ever made

 News  | Author: mat

The mind-blowing 600,000 pixel wide panorama image of Tokyo is really something you need to see, the amount of details is simply amazing.

How to create a thunder with Photoshop

How to create a thunder with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're gonna open a new empty document and in only a few steps create a nice pretty realistic looking thunder using Photoshop.

First steps

First steps

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Basic words to get familiar with Russian language for the very first time. You will learn how to say hello, goodbye and similar.

Rainbow Backgorund in Photoshop

Rainbow Backgorund in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

Really nice and attractive final result where you will create a rainbow background from a scratch.

How to crop image into a perfect square using Gimp

How to crop image into a perfect square using Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

If you found yourself in a position where you wanted to crop a certain photo into a perfect square but you just couldn't figure it out how, than this tutorial is for you.

How to delete your Google search history

How to delete your Google search history

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you are a private person or you don't want Google to record and store your search history, this is how you delete it and turned it off.

How to disable preditctive auto text on iPhone or iPad

How to disable preditctive auto text on iPhone or iPad

 Mobile platforms  | Author: Sheeva

If you don't like your phone automatically finish your words then you can simply turn it off, let me show you how.

How to measure distance in Google Maps

How to measure distance in Google Maps

 Web services  | Author: Mukarachi

Great and simple way to measure distance between the places using Google Maps and its distance measure tool.

How to find text on a web page in Google Chrome

How to find text on a web page in Google Chrome

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you are looking for a certain words on website, bur there's too much text to find it in a reasonable time, you can use a handy find function built in Google Chrome browser.

Find 43 hidden wallpapers in OS X Mavericks

Find 43 hidden wallpapers in OS X Mavericks

 Apple software  | Author: mat

In Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks there are 43 additional hidden wallpapers and this is how you find them.

How to move Mac OS X Dock to side of a screen

How to move Mac OS X Dock to side of a screen

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Want to try out how it feels with Dock being vertical at the left or right side of your screen?

Crop images to change their perspective in Photoshop

Crop images to change their perspective in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In Photoshop CS6, the new version of Photoshop, you can use special cropping tool and you are done, but that doesn't mean you cannot achieve the same result with older versions. 

Find out if you know your Gimp basics

Find out if you know your Gimp basics

 Knowledge Check  | Author: mat

A short questioner where you will test your basic knowledge of the Gimp image manipulation program. Have a go at it and build up your knowledge profile stats.

Prevent deleting apps in iOS

Prevent deleting apps in iOS

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

If you are afraid your friends, kids or any other person you are borrowing your iPad to, might delete an app by mistake or even intentionally, you can enable restrictions on individual all of the apps.

Displaying 209-224 of total 1945
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