Humans wouldn't last long in space without significant technological assistance, does that mean we need to alter human biology to prepare it for future space travels?
Amazing images made out of photos of modern day locations blended together with historic events that took place at those very locations. Amazing work, you need to see these.
If you want to print website but you don't want to print certain objects on the page, you can remove them before you print the page. I will show how you can easily do that with the help of simple web application.
In this lesson we will show you how to use the enhanced cropping tool to trim and efficiently remove unwanted portions of pictures to get just the look that you want.
You don't need an open fire to roast chestnuts, you can roast them in a comfort of your own home over a kitchen hob and they will end up just as delicious.
Image overlay pattern comes in very handy when a website has a full screen image or a video as a background. Applying a pattern can make things more readable and easier on eyes. Let's Photoshop.