A great and simple way to create the letterpress like effect using Photoshop. Basically all you need to do is to apply different layer styles to text or object, let me show you how.
You probably seen video where clips are playing in a title text and made you wondered how the heck to they do that. Well it's pretty easy to create the video in text effect with Adobe Premiere.
During the history several states were established in the Indian subcontinent, which were ruled by several rulers, monarchs and kings. How good is your knowledge about history of India?
Our ever growing list of world funniest and awesome commercials just got a new entry. Volvo Trucks, featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme and the most epic split you have ever seen.
Explorer in Windows 8 is quite updated and it is as much as possible adapted to the user. They have also added the option to quickly access the Command Prompt terminal window.
What is sea level, is it better to walk or run in the rain, why is it dark at night, what is dark matter and many more questions explained in short videos in a real fun and intuitive way.