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Displaying 145-160 of total 1945
How to download YouTube videos with Firefox

How to download YouTube videos with Firefox

 Web services  | Author: mat

Mozilla Firefox is still the  web browser with the most plug-ins and extensions to choose from. Today I will show in my opinion one of the most useful ones.

Create a bubbly text

Create a bubbly text

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let's make a cool bubblegum looking logo using a certain font and applying few layer styles.

How to set  alerts in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

How to set alerts in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Mountain Lion enables you to set notification alerts to remind you of upcoming birthdays, tasks, meetings and other important events you might have in your calendar.

How well do you know U2?

How well do you know U2?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Pena

U2 are an Irish rock band from Dublin. By many they are considered to be the best rock bend of all time. Go through the short quiz and build up your Dreevoo knowledge score.

Check your German language basics

Check your German language basics

 Knowledge Check  | Author: mat

Let's see if you are familiar with the very basic words of the German language. Go through the intuitive questionnaire and build up your knowledge profile.

How to use content aware scaling the right way

How to use content aware scaling the right way

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

We already published a similar tutorial, but this time we will find out how to resize images while the selected areas stay the same.

Turn image into text with free online OCR service

Turn image into text with free online OCR service

 Web services  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to convert image files into text files which you can then edit at your will.

How to make a screen shot on iPhone 4

How to make a screen shot on iPhone 4

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

iPhone 4S has an easy way of doing shots of your phone screen. It works on both 4 and 4S models.

Design a Stylish Round Label in Photoshop

Design a Stylish Round Label in Photoshop

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

A bit longer but still pretty basic and easy to follow Photoshop tutorial, where we design a nice and stylish label from scratch.

Insert or update data with SQL

Insert or update data with SQL

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

Structured Query Language is the most widely used language for interacting with databases. Today we will learn how we can use SQL to insert or update data into MySql database.

Creating Outlook rules

Creating Outlook rules

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

We're going to create a rule in Outlook which will move all the e-mails from a certain person to a certain folder.

Smart contact lens by Google

Smart contact lens by Google

 News  | Author: mat

Google just announced a smart contact lens that can measure glucose levels of people who are suffering from diabetes.

The first ever human-powered helicopter in action

The first ever human-powered helicopter in action

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

On June 13th, 2013, the AeroVelo Atlas Human-Powered Helicopter captured the long standing AHS Sikorsky Prize with a flight lasting 64.1 seconds and reaching an altitude of 3.3 metres.

Google as a default search on Windows Phone 8?

Google as a default search on Windows Phone 8?

 Links  | Author: mat

Will it be possible to change the default search from Bing to Google on Windows Phone 8 mobile devices?

Blue whales are great underwater acrobats

Blue whales are great underwater acrobats

 News  | Author: KimmyK

Scientists have found that the largest animal in the world performs underwater acrobatics to successfully catch the huge amounts of their prey which really is amazing considering its size.

Happy SysAdmin day!

Happy SysAdmin day!

 Links  | Author: mat

July 27 is the day when we show some appreciation to all the hard working System Administrators out there.

Displaying 145-160 of total 1945
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