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Education and work

Proper education and ability to put the theory is a winning combination when looking for new job, let's learn some basic phrases in German.

  Author: NikMan | Category: German language | 5th January 2012  

Which School do you Attend?

Writing: Welche Schule besuchst du?

I attend primary school ....

Writing: Ich besuche die Grundschule


Writing: Mittelschule (die)

What do you study?

Writing: Was studieren Sie?

I study Sociology

Writing: Ich studiere Soziologie

I am an Economist

Writing: Von Ausbildubng bin ich ein Economist


Writing: Informatik (die)


Writing: Rechtswissenschaft (die)

Where do you work?

Writing: Wo arbeiten Sie?

I work for Gorenje company?

Writing: Ich arbeite in der Firma Gorenje

What do you do?

Writing: Was machen Sie?

I work in the accounting department

Writing: Ich arbeite in der Rechnungsabteilung

Director / CEO

Writing: Direktor (der)


Writing: Anwalt (der)


Writing: Rechnungsführung (die)

Reception and Secretary

Writing: Rezeption (die) und Sekretariat (das)

Department of acquisitions

Writing: Einkaufabteilung (die)


Writing: Marketing (das)


Writing: Lager (das)

Construction worker

Writing: Bauarbeiter (der)

I've been working for six years

Writing: Ich arbeite schon seit sechs Jahren

I'm lookin for an employment

Writing: Ich suche Arbeit

I'm uneymployed

Writing: Ich bin arbeitslos

I quit

Writing: Ich kündige
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