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What do you know about  the First World War?

What do you know about the First World War?

 Languages  17th November 2013 | Author: podtalje

First World War, also known as the World War I (WWI), was a global war centered in Europe that drew in all the world's economic great powers of that time.

German words and terms from the field of nature

German words and terms from the field of nature

 Languages  3rd December 2012 | Author: podtalje

Another questioner to test your basic knowledge of the German language and build up your knowledge profile stats, this time you will go through some nature oriented questions.

Check your German language basics

Check your German language basics

 Languages  16th November 2012 | Author: mat

Let's see if you are familiar with the very basic words of the German language. Go through the intuitive questionnaire and build up your knowledge profile.

Test your basic knowledge of Portuguese language

Test your basic knowledge of Portuguese language

 Languages  21st January 2013 | Author: mat

240 million around the globe speak Portuguese, find out if you know the basics of the 6th most spoken language in the world and build up your Dreevoo knowledge profile.

General knowledge about World languages

General knowledge about World languages

 Languages  12th April 2013 | Author: podtalje

Verify you general knowledge about languages in the world by answering a few interesting questions.

Displaying 1-5 of total 5
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