I probably don't need to tell you that there's no such thing as a justified or reasonable cause for starting a war, ever. Watch this video and I think you will know what I mean.
I bet at some point you were wondering how much gold is there in the world. I know I have. See these mind-blowing 3D visualizations of gold compared to everyday objects to get a better perception.
See these never before seen incredible looking images of unborn animals that were made with a combination of ultrasound, wee cameras and computer design.
Crows are one of the smartest birds around, but they don't stand a chance against lightning fast and agile falcons. Watch this amazing video to learn how falcons hunt in mid-air from their very perspective.
Every once in a while you stumble upon extraordinary people that make you really re-think about the current affairs and the ways of the traditional education systems.
What is sea level, is it better to walk or run in the rain, why is it dark at night, what is dark matter and many more questions explained in short videos in a real fun and intuitive way.
Californian photographer Sasha Leahovcenco traveled to the remote villages in Chukotka to film a beautiful documentary with a title 'People From the End of the Earth'.
Thank god for people like Kevin Richardson who made this beautiful video possible. You will get to see lions and other majestic animals from a whole new first-person perspective.
All the Nobel Prize winners for 2013 have been announced. This is a short recap featuring individuals or groups who earned this annual and prestige recognition by the Nobel Prize committee.
Let Google, with the help of their secret X Lab explain in a fun way, that even the non-science savy people shouldn't experience difficulties understanding the basics behind Quantum Computing and A.I.
When two top of the line predators meet one would think the fight would last longer. But not this time, incredible footage by National Geographic showing Jaguar taking down the caiman.