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Displaying 1-16 of total 65
Quantum Computing Explained by Google

Quantum Computing Explained by Google

 Knowledge  14th October 2013 | Author: KidCurious

Let Google, with the help of their secret X Lab explain in a fun way, that even the non-science savy people shouldn't experience difficulties understanding the basics behind Quantum Computing and A.I.

What is slit-scan camera photography?

What is slit-scan camera photography?

 Knowledge  5th November 2012 | Author: mat

Slit Camera Photography might be something you never heard of before, but I bet you already saw at least one example of it, you probably just didn't know it's called that way.

Is daylight saving time useless?

Is daylight saving time useless?

 Knowledge  2nd April 2013 | Author: podtalje

Daylight saving was first introduced by European countries during World War I, with much of the U.S. joining the party in 1918. The idea was that more hours of daylight would "conserve coal for the war effort.

The Boson Higgs explained in a video

The Boson Higgs explained in a video

 Knowledge  23rd July 2012 | Author: mat

Real nice and on point animated video, where we find out what the famous Higgs Boson is really about, presented in a fun and interesting way.

80,000 person and $36 billion Mars colony

80,000 person and $36 billion Mars colony

 Knowledge  28th November 2012 | Author: Spaceman

The SpaceX project founder Elon Musk wants to build a space colony with a size of a small city on the ever so appealing Red Planet.

8 new shark species found in depths of Indian Ocean

8 new shark species found in depths of Indian Ocean

 Knowledge  19th August 2013 | Author: KidCurious

So far we have only discovered about 5 to 7 percent of the ocean floor and only about a half percent of the whole ocean. Now imagine all the still undiscovered species lurking in depths. 

Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease

Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease

 Knowledge  4th January 2013 | Author: TheDude

Another great TEDtalk about genetically engineering male mosquitoes to make them sterile, and releasing the insects into the wild, to cut down on disease-carrying species.

Incredible Footage of Jaguar Attacking the Crocodile

Incredible Footage of Jaguar Attacking the Crocodile

 Knowledge  26th September 2013 | Author: KimmyK

When two top of the line predators meet one would think the fight would last longer. But not this time, incredible footage by National Geographic showing Jaguar taking down the caiman.

Quantum physics explained in a simple way

Quantum physics explained in a simple way

 Knowledge  29th August 2012 | Author: mat

When people hear a word combination of Quantum Physics they really do not know how to get their head around it, this video might shed a light and help you understand the basic principles.

8 March International Women's Day

8 March International Women's Day

 Knowledge  8th March 2013 | Author: mat

A short walk through the history of the globally celebrated and honoured International Women's Day.

Video of twins fighting in mother's womb

Video of twins fighting in mother's womb

 Knowledge  5th December 2012 | Author: KimmyK

If you thought carrying twins is full of harmony you were wrong and there's a spectacular footage to prove it.

Spectacular volcano lightnings

Spectacular volcano lightnings

 Knowledge  7th November 2012 | Author: TheDude

Like the erupting volcano isn't spectacular enough, the nature steps up its game and adds some lightning strikes in the mix.

Owls are masters of camouflage

Owls are masters of camouflage

 Knowledge  20th December 2012 | Author: KimmyK

Who doesn't love owls, and after seeing 20 amazing examples of these feathery masters of disguise, you love them even more.

History of music in an awesome illustrated video

History of music in an awesome illustrated video

 Knowledge  21st February 2013 | Author: Sheeva

Fun, creative and very educational video showing history of music from its very beginning, through classical, to the modern forms of music like rock, metal and electronic music we are familiar with today.

Difference between Rap and Hip Hop

Difference between Rap and Hip Hop

 Knowledge  24th November 2012 | Author: KidCurious

I always thought that rap and hip hop are just two different terms for the same thing, but I guess I was wrong.

Most shocking second a day video ever

Most shocking second a day video ever

 Knowledge  6th March 2014 | Author: mat

I probably don't need to tell you that there's no such thing as a justified or reasonable cause for starting a war, ever. Watch this video and I think you will know what I mean.

Displaying 1-16 of total 65
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