Amazing images made out of photos of modern day locations blended together with historic events that took place at those very locations. Amazing work, you need to see these.
Remember the 5 world records breaking Felix Baumgartner in his epic super sonic free fall from the edge of space? I bet you do, now you can watch the full behind the scenes documentary of this epic event.
Fish is daily protein source for 1.2 billion people, but fishers are more and more frequently returning home with empty nets. Watch this amazing animation and find out how you can help prevent overfishing.
The Fiction guys outdone themselves by taking a DJI Phantom quadcopter for a spin. It's a wonderful mix of nature, landscapes and lifestyle clips. A must watch.
As the Google Reader will cease to exist in a couple of months time, you can start sniffing for the alternative RSS feed reader. Allow me to try and make it really simple for you.
The circular grass creations, that look like something out of a different planet scattered throughout the Namib Desert have long been one of the mysteries of science.
MTT-136 - My Track Technology is an astonishing and persistent little electric powered, tracked vehicle. This thing can run in mud, grass, deep fresh snow, forrest ground, basically any terrain you can think of. I want one.
This incredible event took place at Hawaii during a night dive. A bottlenose dolphin in distress approached the scuba diver and what happens next is pretty darn great.