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Displaying 17-32 of total 65
The whole new Myspace is on the way

The whole new Myspace is on the way

 Other  24th September 2012 | Author: mat

As it seems the once leading social network Myspace owned by Justin Timberlake got a major redesign and upgrade, want an invite and see how it will look like?

Ending overfishing

Ending overfishing

 Other  24th November 2013 | Author: KimmyK

Fish is daily protein source for 1.2 billion people, but fishers are more and more frequently returning home with empty nets. Watch this amazing animation and find out how you can help prevent overfishing.

First supersonic jump now in progress

First supersonic jump now in progress

 Other  14th October 2012 | Author: NikMan

Felix Baumgartner could be the first person to break the speed of sound with his own body, protected only by a space suit.

Space Shuttle Endeavour across Los Angles

Space Shuttle Endeavour across Los Angles

 Other  21st October 2012 | Author: Mukarachi

The space shuttle Endeavour made its final journey, traveling 12-miles from Los Angeles International Airport, through Inglewood, to the California Science Center in Exposition Park.

Mark Zuckerberg's very first website

Mark Zuckerberg's very first website

 Other  4th April 2013 | Author: mat

"Hi, my name is...Slim Shady. No, really, my name is Slim Shady. Just kidding, my name is Mark (for those of you that don't know me) and I live in a small town near the massive city of New York."

The Expendables 2 flash game

The Expendables 2 flash game

 Other  19th August 2012 | Author: mat

Play the awesome action packed flash game they made for The Expendables 2 movie, become Arnie and deploy & destroy.

Is the mystery of desert fairy circles solved?

Is the mystery of desert fairy circles solved?

 Other  31st March 2013 | Author: KimmyK

The circular grass creations, that look like something out of a different planet scattered throughout the Namib Desert have long been one of the mysteries of science.

9 month birth cycle in 90 seconds video

9 month birth cycle in 90 seconds video

 Other  17th December 2012 | Author: KimmyK

Geekishly sweet stop motion video of a couple going through a 9 month birth cycle shown in a 90 seconds video.

Europe to help China build a new Space Station

Europe to help China build a new Space Station

 Other  27th February 2013 | Author: Spaceman

China plans to have its 60-ton space station ready and operating until 2020 and there is a great chance Europe will cooperate in the building procedure.

Great white shark caught alive at Cape Cod

Great white shark caught alive at Cape Cod

 Other  25th September 2012 | Author: mat

Watch the video of the very first shark caught alive for the purpose of tagging them at the famous Cape Cod.

Batman does the American Southwest

Batman does the American Southwest

 Other  20th January 2014 | Author: Sheeva

Beautiful, fun and creative black and white series of a Batman having a jolly good time travelling the North American Southwest.

Incredible story about a man who played a violin

Incredible story about a man who played a violin

 Other  8th January 2013 | Author: NikMan

You must read this incredible story about a man who played a violin in subway station in Washington DC. The end is truly spectacular.

The view from the top of the Great Pyramid

The view from the top of the Great Pyramid

 Other  26th March 2013 | Author: Sheeva

A small group of Russian tourists climbed the guarded pyramid in the shelter of the night and took some impressive shots of the surrounding desert and outskirts of Cairo.

North Korea pictures from tourist's point of view

North Korea pictures from tourist's point of view

 Other  10th April 2013 | Author: KidCurious

Thanks to this guy who visited North Korea we get a good glimpse of how it looks and feels like to be a tourist there. Check out the images to get the feel of it.

A small all-weather, all-terrain electric vehicle on tracks

A small all-weather, all-terrain electric vehicle on tracks

 Other  22nd February 2014 | Author: TheDude

MTT-136 - My Track Technology is an astonishing and persistent little electric powered, tracked vehicle. This thing can run in mud, grass, deep fresh snow, forrest ground, basically any terrain you can think of. I want one.

Watch Inside Story of Red Bull Stratos Documentary

Watch Inside Story of Red Bull Stratos Documentary

 Other  14th October 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Remember the 5 world records breaking Felix Baumgartner in his epic super sonic free fall from the edge of space? I bet you do, now you can watch the full behind the scenes documentary of this epic event.

Displaying 17-32 of total 65
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