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Displaying 1-16 of total 18
HDR Photography for beginners

HDR Photography for beginners

 Photography  31st October 2011 | Author: mat

Let me show you how to take photos and how to merge them into a HDR image using the Photomatrix software.

How to remove limescale from a kitchen sink

How to remove limescale from a kitchen sink

 Household  5th December 2011 | Author: mat

If you are not comfortable with limescale in your kitchen sink, this is how you remove it.

How to remove lime scale

How to remove lime scale

 Household  28th December 2013 | Author: Cob

Lime scale is often found as a similar deposit on the surface of pipes and other surfaces where "hard water" has evaporated. In this lesson I will show you how to clean it.

Replacing RAM in your PC

Replacing RAM in your PC

 Computers  19th October 2011 | Author: mat

We will learn how to replace or upgrade physical memory or so called RAM in you personal computer.

How to plant  dahlia seeds into a flower pot

How to plant dahlia seeds into a flower pot

 Gardening  10th February 2013 | Author: NikMan

Let me show you how easy it is to plant flowers into flower pots at home. Planting seeds is a great way to bond with you kids and teach them how a life is created from its very beginning.

How to mount a CD/DVD-ROM unit into a PC

How to mount a CD/DVD-ROM unit into a PC

 Computers  20th January 2012 | Author: mat

We will mount and plug in a CD/DVD-ROM or Blue-Ray unit, they are all universally shaped so they should fit in all PC cases out there.

How to change and place nylon thread on brush cutter

How to change and place nylon thread on brush cutter

 Gardening  29th November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

I will show you how to replace nylon tread on brush cutter. First I will remove 3-blade knife and than I will place nylon tread.

How to check the engine oil level of your car

How to check the engine oil level of your car

 Automotive  9th October 2012 | Author: mat

I will show you how the check the level of motor oil in a car and how to add it the oil need to be refilled.

Making of kids room part 2

Making of kids room part 2

 Do It Yourselfe  6th August 2012 | Author: mat

In the part two of making of kids room we are going to paint part of the wall we protected using painter's protection tape.

How to photograph a candle

How to photograph a candle

 Photography  10th October 2011 | Author: mat

I will show you how to take a shot of a burning candle with a compact camera and make it look professional.

Playstation 3 hardrive replacement

Playstation 3 hardrive replacement

 Computers  9th October 2011 | Author: mat

Upgrading or replacing broken hard drive in your PS3 is quite simple. Easier then in most of the PCs for sure.

Drilling holes for wall plugs

Drilling holes for wall plugs

 Do It Yourselfe  31st October 2011 | Author: mat

Let's drill a hole into a wall, insert a plug in it and fix a picture frame or what ever you want hanging on a wall.

How to insert a SIM card into Nokia Lumia 920

How to insert a SIM card into Nokia Lumia 920

 Do It Yourselfe  20th February 2013 | Author: mat

What you need to to make your Nokia Lumia 920 an actual phone is a micro SIM card and a thin pointy object.

How to open battery cover on Nokia Lumia 820

How to open battery cover on Nokia Lumia 820

 Computers  22nd March 2013 | Author: JessicaLange

Opening or changing the battery cover on Nokia Lumia 820 can be a bit tricky if you don't know where to begin. Let me show you the easiest way without doing any damage.

Making of kids room part 1

Making of kids room part 1

 Do It Yourselfe  19th May 2012 | Author: mat

In first part of the series we will prepare everything so we can then start painting the room without fear of making a mess.

Thread and screw trick

Thread and screw trick

 Magic tricks  1st April 2012 | Author: mat

Did you know the plain old sewing thread in a combination with water attracts smaller metal objects? Try it out yourself and expect to be amazed.

Displaying 1-16 of total 18
Automotive Automotive
Magic tricks Magic tricks
Photography Photography
Household Household
Computers Computers
Do It Yourself Do It Yourself
online learning made for people