Or officially the Portuguese Republic is the most western country of Europe. It lies between Spain and the Atlantic Ocean and has a population of about 11 million inhabitants.
First steps
Portuguese language
Rating: 3.3
Basic words to get familar with Portuguese language for the very first time. You will learn how to say hallo, bye and similar.
Portuguese language
Rating: 3.1
Language is based on alphabet. You will learn how to write and pronounce all the letters of Portuguese alphabet.
Portuguese language
Rating: 3
Numbers are basically universal but pronunciation and writing are different in pretty much all languages and Portuguese language is no exception.
Time and date
Portuguese language
Rating: 2.8
Time is money or so they say. But what is certain, it's always good to be able to tell time in Portuguese language.
Education and work
Portuguese language
Rating: 2.8
Proper education and ability to put the theory in practice is a winning combination when looking for new job, let's learn some basic phrases in Portuguese.