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Traveling information

Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, French in this case?

  Author: NikMan | Category: French language | 22nd March 2012  

Do you speak French?

Writing: Parlez-vous francais peut-etre?

Excuse me, where is the train station?

Writing: Excusez-moi, ou est la gare?

Can you tell me where a post office is?

Writing: Pourriez-vous me dire ou est la poste?

I would like to order a taxi

Writing: Je voudrais commander un taxi

Where is the restaurant?

Writing: Ou est le restaurant?

How much is the ticket?

Writing: Combien coute le billet?

Where is a toilet?

Writing: Ou se trouve la toilette la plus proche?

Can I call you?

Writing: Puis-je vous appeller?

Where is the police?

Writing: Ou est la police?

On the left side

Writing: A gauche

On the right-hand side

Writing: A droit

I would like to book a room

Writing: Je voudrais reserver une chambre

How much for one night?

Writing: Combien coute passer une nuit chez vous?


Writing: Passport

Peljite se naprej

Writing: Continuez a tout-droit

Where is the nearest pharmacy?

Writing: Ou se trouve la pharmacie la plus proche?

Where is the nearest car park?

Writing: Ou est le parking?
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Traveling information
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  Food and drinks
French language | Rating: 3
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  Traveling information
French language | Rating: 3
Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, French in this case?
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