Thanks to this guy who visited North Korea we get a good glimpse of how it looks and feels like to be a tourist there. Check out the images to get the feel of it.
Fun, yet very useful tutorial, where you manipulate a photo in a way it will look like you're standing next to Brad Pitt or any other person in that matter.
In this simple tutorial suitable for the Gimp beginners as well, we are going to manipulate a photograph of standing still car to make it look like it's passing by real fast.
The new iOS 7 comes with an interesting moving background motion or a so called Parallax Effect when you physically move your device about. Let me show you how to turn it off to improve battery life.
Just like your Windows machine, Google’s Chrome has a built-in task manager, letting you see CPU usage, network activity and how much memory a site is using.
Speculating about future is is most of the time futile, let alone about the distant 100,000 years kind of future. But we can always guess and if there is science involved we even might be onto something.
Another great TEDtalk about genetically engineering male mosquitoes to make them sterile, and releasing the insects into the wild, to cut down on disease-carrying species.