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Displaying 113-128 of total 1945
Cycloramic app went to the top of App Store after appearing in Shark Tank

Cycloramic app went to the top of App Store after appearing in Shark Tank

 Links  | Author: mat

Cycloramic is an app made in 2012 that can take 360 panorama shots without using your hands. It sure is a fascinating app, but what makes it even more interesting is the following story.

Set number of zeros in Excel's cell

Set number of zeros in Excel's cell

 Editor's pick  | Author: NikMan

If you are working with numbers often and you also like to be organized, then this tutorial might be helpful for you.

How to submit a Programs tutorial to Dreevoo.com

How to submit a Programs tutorial to Dreevoo.com

 Web services  | Author: mat

Submitting tutorials to Dreevoo.com is simple and can be done real quick. Here is a tutorial to show you how easy it really is to submit a software related tutorial, plus you get paid.

Create web Chart in Google Drive Spreadsheet

Create web Chart in Google Drive Spreadsheet

 Web services  | Author: bole

Google spreadsheets lets you create charts and graphs to visualize a data set. Let's take a look how to create a nice and simple chart in a matter of few clicks.

A few questions to test your General Knowledge

A few questions to test your General Knowledge

 Knowledge Check  | Author: podtalje

Do you know who betrayed Jesus, who was the first man in Space and what did Alfred Nobel invent?

Replacing RAM in your PC

Replacing RAM in your PC

 Computers  | Author: mat

We will learn how to replace or upgrade physical memory or so called RAM in you personal computer.

How to use FileZilla ftp client

How to use FileZilla ftp client

 Other applications  | Author: mat

In this lesson I'm going to show you how to connect to a ftp server and how to download and upload files.

How to make Windows 7 shutdown or restart faster

How to make Windows 7 shutdown or restart faster

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: TheDude

If you are tired of waiting for your Windows 7 computer to shutdown or restart, you can create a new shortcut that will speed up the process considerably.

Real-time Avatar powered by Microsoft Kinect

Real-time Avatar powered by Microsoft Kinect

 Links  | Author: mat

Great piece of technology that takes advantage of the Microsoft Kinect technology and brings it to the whole new level.

Make your photos more vivid in Gimp

Make your photos more vivid in Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

Let me show you a neat one minute trick on how to make your photographs more vivid and professional looking in Gimp.

Surely the Most Beautiful Saturn Photo Ever

Surely the Most Beautiful Saturn Photo Ever

 News  | Author: Spaceman

The latest photo of Saturn you are about to witness is so perfect and mind-blowing you will most probably have hard time believing that it is not fake.

Food and drinks

Food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in Italian language.

Notification rules in Google Drive Table

Notification rules in Google Drive Table

 Web services  | Author: Cob

You can set notifications to find out when your collaborators have modified your spreadsheets, and learn what sheets or cells they've modified. You can also choose how often you'd like to be notified.

HDR Photography

HDR Photography

 Editor's pick  | Author: podtalje

Let me show you how to take photos and how to merge them into a HDR image using the Photomatrix software.

Food for one week in 21 different countries

Food for one week in 21 different countries

 Links  | Author: mat

Numbers in many ways don't show us the situation in the world and this time you can see by yourself how much food does one family have for one week in 21 different countries around the world.

Change hair color the right way using Photoshop

Change hair color the right way using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

There are many ways to change the color of a hair on a photo, let me show you one of the best and efficient ones using Photoshop.

Displaying 113-128 of total 1945
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