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Displaying 1025-1040 of total 1945
Lunar eclipse in a minute with Photoshop

Lunar eclipse in a minute with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

A nice little tutorial where we will create an awesome looking lunar eclipse in only a few steps.

Complete list of Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts

Complete list of Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts

 Links  | Author: mat

Using keyboard shortcuts is a great way to speed up your computer work process, let's find out the most important and useful ones in Windows 8 OS.

Excel Pivot tables explained for the beginners

Excel Pivot tables explained for the beginners

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

Using Pivot tables can really help you to see and present your Excel data in a nice and more functional way.

How to make Chocolate rum balls

How to make Chocolate rum balls

 Recipes  | Author: Humba

This one is a classic, good old chocolate rum balls not many people can resist them. Let's make them the old way but with a little twist.

Incredible bank robbery Photoshop job

Incredible bank robbery Photoshop job

 Links  | Author: mat

The imaginary Big Notrust Bank Robbery, featuring five elderly men and a french bulldog leaving the scene of crime took the arist 4 hours 28 minutes and a grand total of 251 Photoshop layers.

The mirror effect

The mirror effect

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Remember as a kid you played with a mirror, putting your face to the side of it and your friends were laughing  at the funny symmetry of your face and your faces reflection?

Make Windows 8 boot straight to the desktop

Make Windows 8 boot straight to the desktop

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: NikMan

In case you are not a great fan of the Windows 8 Metro user interface, you can tell the system to go straight to the Desktop mode.

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

 News  | Author: mat

The largest iceberg calving ever documented on a film, imagine the Manhattan breaking apart in front of your eyes.

A simple dropdown menu

A simple dropdown menu

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

In this tutorial we create a simple dropdown menu, using Adobe Dreamweaver's inbuilt features.

The most high-res topographic map of moon ever

The most high-res topographic map of moon ever

 Links  | Author: Spaceman

The new map from Arizona State University in Tempe, shows the shapes and features of nearly the entire moon's surface.

Oil paint filter in Photshop CS6

Oil paint filter in Photshop CS6

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

The latest version of Photoshop comes with a great filter called the Oil Paint that turns a picture into an oil painting.

First steps in Adobe Premiere CS5

First steps in Adobe Premiere CS5

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: TheDude

For the people who are using the Adobe Premiere CS5 movie editing program for the very first time.

Create Instagram effects with Photoshop actions

Create Instagram effects with Photoshop actions

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you own an iPhone, there's a great chance you're using the Instagram app that turns your photos into hip shots.

What would happen to unprotected human on Mars?

What would happen to unprotected human on Mars?

 Links  | Author: NikMan

Rover Curiosity is a really popular topic all around the world and I was just given a question what would been happen if an astronaut would take off the space helmet while being exposed on Mars?

What are the specifications of my Mac computer

What are the specifications of my Mac computer

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you find yourself in a situation when you need to list your Mac specs or you just want know if you really got what you paid for, this is how you find them out.

My first Excel document

My first Excel document

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010, let's make a simple accounting sheet.

Displaying 1025-1040 of total 1945
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