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Displaying 753-768 of total 1945
Create a ghostly effect using Photoshop filters

Create a ghostly effect using Photoshop filters

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

An intriguing tutorial in which I will show you how to create a creepy, ghost like effect on any give photo using Photoshop CC.

Photoshop Rotten Teeth

Photoshop Rotten Teeth

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

You should brush your teeth every day, otherwise you will not be needing Adobe Photoshop to make them look bad like in this tutorial.

Copy same formula into entire column in Excel 2013

Copy same formula into entire column in Excel 2013

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you a simple and useful trick, how you can copy the formula from any cell and paste it into entire colunm.

How to create a folder in Google Docs

How to create a folder in Google Docs

 Web services  | Author: mat

You can organize your documents in so called collections in Google docs, let me show you how easy it is.

Mindblowing 3D video of Mars surface

Mindblowing 3D video of Mars surface

 News  | Author: Spaceman

Spectacular video made of hundreds of stitched together images taken by the Mars Express spacecraft showing the Red Planet  in three dimensions like never before.

Photos of the newly found planets?

Photos of the newly found planets?

 Links  | Author: Spaceman

You won't believe your eyes, take a look at these series of photos that appear like some sort of newly found planets taken by the NASA.

Green smoothie the right and healthy way

Green smoothie the right and healthy way

 Editor's pick  | Author: willcode4food

Green smoothies can be a great addition to your daily intake of fruits and veggies. When prepared and consumed in a proper and reasonable manner, they can boost up your energy and work for your health.

Roast potatoes the Tuscany way

Roast potatoes the Tuscany way

 Editor's pick  | Author: weedywoman

Not sure if that really is the correct name of the recipe, but one thing I do know for sure, that this is one delicious way to prepare your potatoes and a great side dish to your meals.

Amazing life on the International Space Station

Amazing life on the International Space Station

 Links  | Author: mat

Float along Sunita Williams, Indian American astronaut who holds the record for longest space flight by a woman, and let her explain how they use the toilet, how they sleep, eat and other essentials.

Why does European flag have 12 stars?

Why does European flag have 12 stars?

 Links  | Author: NikMan

Do you know why does a flag from European union have only 12 stars if the union is now with 27 countries?

Publish your Outlook Calendar to the Web

Publish your Outlook Calendar to the Web

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

You can publish your Outlook 2010 calendar to the Internet and then share it among your chosen people.

How to make tagliatelle with asparagus

How to make tagliatelle with asparagus

 Recipes  | Author: NikMan

If you like pasta and asparagus then this might be a killer combo for your taste buds.

How to create rules in Gmail

How to create rules in Gmail

 Web services  | Author: mat

Rules are actually called Filters in Gmail, let's learn how to create them and use them with labels.

Amazing historic USSR space program illustration

Amazing historic USSR space program illustration

 Links  | Author: mat

Back in the days of Soviet Union, when there was no Photoshop available and space race was at its peak amazing and beautifully crafted propaganda illustrations were being created.

How to make a selection using Pen Tool in Photoshop

How to make a selection using Pen Tool in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

I will show you the basics of creating paths with the Pen Tool in Adobe Photoshop. We will draw a path and turn it into a selection.

How to setup and use Google Drive

How to setup and use Google Drive

 Web services  | Author: mat

Google Drive is your private space on the Internet, where you can store any data you want and synchronize it with you PC, Mac or Android powered device. Let me show you how.

Displaying 753-768 of total 1945
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