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 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Language is based on alphabet. You will learn how to write and pronounce all the letters of Russian alphabet.



 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Numbers are basically universal but pronunciation and writing are different in pretty much all languages and Italian is no exception.

Convert Youtube video to mp3

Convert Youtube video to mp3

 Programs  | Author: Brodjan

If you want to use only a song from a specific video, you can use it with the help of web converter. In this lesson I will show you how you can convert Youtube video to mp3 file.

Change font to custom @font-face on Wordpress

Change font to custom @font-face on Wordpress

 Web services  | Author: mat

Last time we created a @font-face kit with an online @font-face generator, this time we will put a no-web font to a Wordpress site.

Batcat, how to Photoshop a Batman mask on a cat

Batcat, how to Photoshop a Batman mask on a cat

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

In this fun tutorial we will learn how to manipulate the image of a cat in a way the cat is going to wear a Batman mask and like it.

How to sum cells according to their font color in Excel

How to sum cells according to their font color in Excel

 Microsoft Office  | Author: NikMan

You will find out how to summarize cells that have a same color of the font, the red  one in my case. Really useful when working with different types of specific data in Excel.

Lunar eclipse in a minute with Photoshop

Lunar eclipse in a minute with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

A nice little tutorial where we will create an awesome looking lunar eclipse in only a few steps.

Photos of Abandoned 1984 Sarajevo Olympics Venues

Photos of Abandoned 1984 Sarajevo Olympics Venues

 Links  | Author: mat

Check out really fascinating and really sad photos from abandoned 1984 Olympics venues in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

Pale octopus and other new species found

Pale octopus and other new species found

 News  | Author: mat

Various new species found in deep sea near Antarctica, living in temperatures of 752F.

Xenon Headlights on a Car Using Gimp

Xenon Headlights on a Car Using Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

After a while I decided to make a new tutorial for all you awesome Gimp users out there. This time we are going to turn on the Xenon headlights on a random car. Enjoy!

Coldest place on Earth

Coldest place on Earth

 News  | Author: mat

Scientists have recorded the new lowest temperatures on Earth since the record from 1983. And let me tell, the numbers are breathtaking low.

Does Shifting Into Neutral Really Help Fuel Economy?

Does Shifting Into Neutral Really Help Fuel Economy?

 Links  | Author: podtalje

If you are driving downhill, do you save gas by putting your transmission in Neutral, instead of having your vehicle in Drive?

Protect Microsoft Office documents

Protect Microsoft Office documents

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, you can learn how to protect Word, Excel and PowerPoint files with password.

Check how your webpage looks like on Facebook

Check how your webpage looks like on Facebook

 Web services  | Author: mat

A very useful Facebook debugger tool where you can check how your webpage looks like on Facebook when like button is pressed, without actually pressing the like button.

How to stop Google from storing Google chat history

How to stop Google from storing Google chat history

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you don't want Google to store your chat history and the Google chat history of the person you are chatting with, you can take the chat off the record and this is how you do that.

How to put video in text using Adobe Premiere

How to put video in text using Adobe Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: mat

You probably seen video where clips are playing in a title text and made you wondered how the heck to they do that. Well it's pretty easy to create the video in text effect with Adobe Premiere.

Displaying 689-704 of total 1945
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