If you are bored of your Facebook cover image on your Timeline profile and you want to make one of your own this easy to follow Photoshop tutorial will do the trick.
India has achieved several great scientific achievements in the short span of its post-independence history. Go throught this short quiz and find out how good do you know Indian scientists.
The name Dalai Lama is a combination of the Mongolic word dalai meaning "ocean" and the Tibetan word bla-ma meaning "guru, teacher, mentor". Check and build up your Dreevoo knowledge profile.
In this tutorial, I will show some simple first steps on very popular community Facebook. We will signup , upload profile picture and edit some personal information.
We are going to apply a bunch of Photoshop effects and use a few tricks to turn a photograph of lovely Scarlett into a pencil drawing. It's a bite longer tutorial just be sure to follow it closely and you'll be fine.