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Displaying 529-544 of total 1945
Does Shifting Into Neutral Really Help Fuel Economy?

Does Shifting Into Neutral Really Help Fuel Economy?

 Links  | Author: podtalje

If you are driving downhill, do you save gas by putting your transmission in Neutral, instead of having your vehicle in Drive?

Comet Panstarrs visible with your naked eye

Comet Panstarrs visible with your naked eye

 News  | Author: Spaceman

Once in a lifetime opportunity to catch the comet Panstarrs with your naked eye as it passes the Sun. It should shine in its fullest on March 10, read on if you don't want to miss it.

Transform picture into a painting

Transform picture into a painting

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: Realife

We will open picture of a landscape and apply some filters to make it look like a painting.

How well do you know the planet Earth?

How well do you know the planet Earth?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Our planet is one of the kind in the solar system, too bad we sometimes tend to forget how unique it really is. Find out if you know some interesting and basic facts about the planet Earth.

Windows 8 and 2880 x 1620 pixel displays?

Windows 8 and 2880 x 1620 pixel displays?

 Links  | Author: mat

Need some answers how well or bad does Windows 8 handle huge resolutions, do icons in desktop mode, text and other interface features become unreadably tiny on smaller screens?

Logo on a mug

Logo on a mug

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to open a picture of a mug, put a logo on it and then take proper actions to make it look realistic.

How to restore deleted files

How to restore deleted files

 Other applications  | Author: bole

Sometimes we accidantally delete files from our disk or USB drive. In this lesson I will show you how to restore deleted files.

Top 14 fastest, oldest, biggest and craziest trains

Top 14 fastest, oldest, biggest and craziest trains

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

Trains, who doesn't like trains? I decided to create a list of the baddest, fastest, longest, oldest, most powerful and luxuries trains of all time.

How to activate single window mode in GIMP 2.8

How to activate single window mode in GIMP 2.8

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

One of the new features of the new GIMP 2.8 is a single window mode view and this is how you activate it.

Change mouse speed in Windows 7

Change mouse speed in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

I'm going to show you too change how fast or how slow the mouse pointer moves across the screen and how to change the speed of double-click.

Toy Car Doing 205 Mph

Toy Car Doing 205 Mph

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

Anybody know about the so called Tether Car racing? It looks nuts. Miniature model cars with powerful engines attached to a pole with a wire and going faster and faster.

OUYA the $99 Android gaming console

OUYA the $99 Android gaming console

 Links  | Author: mat

In case you missed the stylish new player on the gaming console market called OUYA, here's everything you need to know about it.

Straighten a picture using Photoshop

Straighten a picture using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let's learn how to make the horizons and crooked pictures in general straight and there for in most cases more appealing.

Video preview of the new Windows Blue

Video preview of the new Windows Blue

 Links  | Author: mat

The forthcoming version of Windows called Windows Blue has leaked on the Internet, take a look at some of the new features.

Ice Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Ice Effect Photoshop Tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

In this Photoshop's tutorial we will open a random photograph and with a little of retouching add an ice effect that will make it magical.

What cookies is a website using

What cookies is a website using

 Web services  | Author: JessicaLange

I will show you how you find out if a website of your choice is using cookies. If the result is positive, you also find out which cookies are being used and what's their purpose.

Displaying 529-544 of total 1945
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