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Displaying 433-448 of total 1945
How to clear browsing data in Google Chrome

How to clear browsing data in Google Chrome

 Web services  | Author: Cob

It is good from time to time to clear your browsing data, that has accumulated during browsing the web. In this lesson I will show you how to clear browsing data in Google Chrome.

Task Manager in Chrome browser

Task Manager in Chrome browser

 Web services  | Author: podtalje

Just like your Windows machine, Google’s Chrome has a built-in task manager, letting you see  CPU usage, network activity and how much memory a site is using.

How to format USB key for big files in Windows 7

How to format USB key for big files in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you can't copy files that are bigger than 2 or 4 GB, usually HD movies and such, on to your USB key, it's usually due to the file system the USB key is formatted to.

How to reset LG G2 to factory defaults

How to reset LG G2 to factory defaults

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

If for some reason your Android powered smartphone does not perform as good as it used to, or you want to sell it I suggest you to bring it to its original factory state.

Make a standing still car go fast with Gimp

Make a standing still car go fast with Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

In this simple tutorial suitable for the Gimp beginners as well, we are going to manipulate a photograph of standing still car to make it look like it's passing by real fast.

10 billion downloads from Android Market

10 billion downloads from Android Market

 News  | Author: mat

According to Google, Android app downloads surpassed the 10 billion mark past weekend and to mark the celebration you can download premium apps for 10 cents.

How to get rid of Facebook app requests from friends

How to get rid of Facebook app requests from friends

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you are tired and annoyed by the app requests and notifications your friends keep sending on Facebook, this is how you get rid of them without having to unfriend your friends.

Proccessing of vertical video clips in Premiere

Proccessing of vertical video clips in Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: bole

This guide serves as an additional knowledge for Adobe Premiere. I will show you processing of vertical video clip which will be nicely visible also in horizontal view.

Change the user profile image in Mac OS X

Change the user profile image in Mac OS X

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

You can always change your user profile picture on a Mac OS X Mountain Lion powered computer and this how you do it.

Where to find Internet settings of my mobile provider?

Where to find Internet settings of my mobile provider?

 Web services  | Author: mat

If there is no WiFi hotspot available and you still want to surf the web with your mobile device, you need to have your mobile provider's APN settings entered and this is where you find them.

Typographic Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Typographic Effect Photoshop Tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

Pretty cool Photoshop tutorial, where we will add two text layers, one will be placed behind and the main at front. And I think you might really enjoy the final result, go for it and have fun!

How to share your Dropbox content with others

How to share your Dropbox content with others

 Web services  | Author: mat

Dropbox is an amazing cloud based web service enabling you to store your stuff like pictures and documents and access them from any device with an Internet connection. Plus you can share the stored items with others.

Animal photo manipulation with Gimp

Animal photo manipulation with Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

A slightly advanced Gimp tutorial, but still appropriate for the beginners as well. We will replace the fox's head with the head of a hamster.

How to blur a part of text in Photoshop

How to blur a part of text in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Lets learn a neat little trick, and make a part of a random text look like it's out of focus.

Stunning surreal self-portrait photos by 14-year old

Stunning surreal self-portrait photos by 14-year old

 Links  | Author: Sheeva

The 14-year old Zev together with his assistant/sister, 17-year old Nellie crate the dream like images that have an instant ability to immediately wake up your inner-child and make you feel awesome.

Stalin Photoshop manipulation tutorial

Stalin Photoshop manipulation tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

Let's practice on a historical photo that was once already manipulated by the censors. We will now do it digitally with Photoshop.

Displaying 433-448 of total 1945
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