Sometimes when you are writing a title, one last word jumps into the next row. If you don't want to change the font size, there is another way to deal with these so called widow words.
If you are getting a vast number of email notifications sent by your Twitter account and they started to annoy you, this is how you disable and manage them.
Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) data can tell you which camera was used, what focal length, ISO, exposure time was set when taking a photo. Let's see how to look for that data in Windows 7.
Evoland is a game where you start playing in the old school Nintendo GameBoy 8-bit graphic with no sound and gradually fight your way to the modern 3D, HD adventure.
Neat little trick to force the preview images of running programs in Windows 7 taskbar or a so called Aero Peek, to show instantly with no delay at all.
Not even a year ago, Project Ara was pretty much still a concept revealed by Phoneblocks and Motorola. Now Google announced the device will probably go on sale in the first quarter of 2015.