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Displaying 209-224 of total 1945
How to digitally sign a PDF document

How to digitally sign a PDF document

 Programs  | Author: bole

To ensure the authenticity of a document you have to sign the document with the certificate. I will show you how you can easily sign PDF document with the help of simple tool DigiSigner.

Better way to work with files in Windows

Better way to work with files in Windows

 Programs  | Author: podtalje

FreeCommander is an alternative to Windows Explorer. It allows us to work with files much faster and also offers a lot of additional features for more advanced users.

Traveling information

Traveling information

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, German in this case?

How to create an object reflection using GIMP

How to create an object reflection using GIMP

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

You will learn how to add reflections to objects in only a few steps with free GIMP. 

How to use Play sound behavior in Dreamweaver

How to use Play sound behavior in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Pena

In this lesson I will show you how to use Play Sound behavior to play the music just by clicking on a link.

Text adjustment in Microsoft Excel 2013

Text adjustment in Microsoft Excel 2013

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Pena

In this lesson I will show you how to adjust text that is too long for one single cell. There are two different ways to do that.

How to create a playlist in iTunes

How to create a playlist in iTunes

 Apple software  | Author: mat

In this Apple Mac OS X tutorial you will learn how to make playlists of your favorite songs in your computer's music library.

What's the name of my computer?

What's the name of my computer?

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Every computer has a name, a so called hostname. Let's see how to find yours and how to change it.

Making of kids room part 1

Making of kids room part 1

 Do It Yourself  | Author: mat

In first part of the series we will prepare everything so we can then start painting the room without fear of making a mess.

Create a customizable lomo style action in Photoshop

Create a customizable lomo style action in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you are a fan of lomo style cross-processed photos then this should be right up your alley. We will create a time saving Photoshop action, you can later on use on your photos.

Rare leopards photographed in Afghanistan and Siberia

Rare leopards photographed in Afghanistan and Siberia

 News  | Author: mat

It was a good week for wildlife and nature, Persian leopard was held for extinct and Siberian snow leopard has been photographed for the very first time.

Open images as Photoshop layers

Open images as Photoshop layers

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you want to open more images at once and you want them in the same Photoshop document as layers, then keep reading.

Create a bubbly text

Create a bubbly text

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let's make a cool bubblegum looking logo using a certain font and applying few layer styles.

Car Burnout Photoshop tutorial

Car Burnout Photoshop tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to make the wheels spin and smoke on a car that isn't moving.

How to turn your Nexus 4 into a WiFi hotspot

How to turn your Nexus 4 into a WiFi hotspot

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

You can set your LG Nexus 4 to act as a wireless hotspot, so you and your friends can use it to connect to the Internet. 

How well do you know historical figures?

How well do you know historical figures?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

How well do you know people who have one way or the other influenced on the development of different parts of the world?

Displaying 209-224 of total 1945
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