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Ordering food and drinks

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Portuguese.

  Author: NikMan | Category: Portuguese language | 30th November 2011  

Waiter, can we order?

Writing: Garconete podemos fazer o pedido?

What would you like to eat?

Writing: O quê que gostarias de comer?

I'm thirsty

Writing: Estou com sede

I'm hungry

Writing: Estou com fome

I would like a beer

Writing: Gostaria de ordenar uma cerveja

Do you have Coca Colo?

Writing: Tens Coca-Cola?

I would like to drink milk

Writing: Gostaria de beber leite

I would like a chicken

Writing: Gostaria de comer frango

Waiter, I would like to pay please

Writing: Garconete, gostaria de pagar

We will pay together

Writing: Gostariamos de pagar todos juntos

We will pay seperatelly

Writing: Gostariamos de pagar separados

How much is the beer?

Writing: Quanto custa a cerveja?

Can I pay for the juice?

Writing: Posso pagar o sumo?

Can I pay in cash?

Writing: Posso pagar com dinheiro?
Amazon rainforest in Brazil
Amazônia in Portuguese, spreads over 1.7 billion acres (7 mill sqr km), most part of it, 1.4 billion acres is covered by rainforest, and 60% of it grows in Brazil. It is estimated that about half of all animal species of the world, live in tropical Amazon rainforest.
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Food and drink
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