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Ordering food and drinks

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in French language.

  Author: NikMan | Category: French language | 19th April 2012  

Waiter, can we order?

Writing: Garcon, pourrions-nous commander?

Do you have Coca Cola?

Writing: Avez-vous du Coca?

I would like to drink milk

Writing: Je voudrais boir du lait

I would like a chicken

Writing: Je voudrais manger du poulet

We will pay together

Writing: Nous voulons payer ensemble

We will pay seperatelly

Writing: Nous voulons payer separe

How much is the beer?

Writing: Combien coute la biere?

Can I pay for the juice?

Writing: Puis-je payer le jus?
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  Ordering food and drinks
French language | Rating: 3
To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in French language.
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