Short, fun and easy to remember interesting facts from nature, science, space, sports and life in general. You are more then welcome to contribute yours.
Truly amazing work by the NYC Grid guys creating images composed of two images at the exactly same location only decades or sometimes even century apart.
Russian photographer took a bunch of unbelievable photos of snowflakes. And what is even more amazing is the set up he used to create these incredible macro shots.
There are about 7 billion people living on our planet. If we would all stand next to one another on our own square meter, how large would that area have to be? Is North America big enough?
Is it really hard for you to ignore that beep sound of a new email, Facebook notification or a text message, are you experiencing an urge to share the latest photo to Instagram or send a new tweet?
As the Hobbit movie just hit the theaters worldwide it's a perfect time for a short retrospective of all the beautiful locations of New Zealand where the Lord of the Rings trilogy was shot.
We have seen many timelapses featuring aging, but his one in my opinion takes the cake. Filmmaker Anthony Cerniello did a mind-blowing work with this latest clip titled Danielle.