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Famous photographers pose with their famous photos

Famous photographers pose with their famous photos

 Curiosity  4th November 2013 | Author: Sheeva

Photographer Tim Mantoani did an amazing project, he took photos of famous photographers holding their most iconic photo.

Orca leaping 15 feet into the air to capture a dolphin

Orca leaping 15 feet into the air to capture a dolphin

 Curiosity  26th July 2013 | Author: KimmyK

There is nothing unusual for orca (killer whale) to hunt the dolphins but the images you are about to see are nothing short of amazing.

Descent of Mars Curiosity Rover in HD and 25 fps

Descent of Mars Curiosity Rover in HD and 25 fps

 Curiosity  27th August 2012 | Author: mat

They redone the video clip of the Curiosity Rover, interpolated it from 4 fps to 25 fps and it looks amazing. Scroll to the bottom when there.

How will humans change in 100,000 years?

How will humans change in 100,000 years?

 Curiosity  27th February 2014 | Author: Spaceman

Speculating about future is is most of the time futile, let alone about the distant 100,000 years kind of future. But we can always guess and if there is science involved we even might be onto something.

Stunning photos of a sun taken from backyard

Stunning photos of a sun taken from backyard

 Curiosity  14th February 2013 | Author: mat

Would you believe that the following photos have been taken from the backyard of an amateur astrophotographer from New York?

11 very best science images of Wellcome 2014 awards

11 very best science images of Wellcome 2014 awards

 Curiosity  10th March 2014 | Author: KimmyK

You certainly don't see these kind of images every day, from tick close up, x-ray of a bat, to a high-tech micrograph of a zebrafish embryo. Check out some of the best images of the year.

Google as a default search on Windows Phone 8?

Google as a default search on Windows Phone 8?

 Curiosity  10th September 2012 | Author: mat

Will it be possible to change the default search from Bing to Google on Windows Phone 8 mobile devices?

Charging phone after the battery is already full?

Charging phone after the battery is already full?

 Curiosity  18th November 2013 | Author: mat

One of our users wants to know if it's bad for a phone if you keep charging it after the battery is already 100% full.

Driving on the Moon HD video

Driving on the Moon HD video

 Curiosity  24th August 2012 | Author: TheDude

Stabilized video of an Apollo 16 astronaut having a good time driving the Lunar Vehicle Rover on the Moon's surface.

The amazing sound and water experiment

The amazing sound and water experiment

 Curiosity  13th March 2013 | Author: TheDude

What happens if you install a water hose onto the speaker, let the water run along side of it and adjust the speaker volume and frequency?

10 amazing facts about the Internet

10 amazing facts about the Internet

 Curiosity  6th November 2012 | Author: mat

The most expensive domain name ever sold is Insure.com at $16 million, Sex.com sold for $14 million. Click for nine more.

Top 14 fastest, oldest, biggest and craziest trains

Top 14 fastest, oldest, biggest and craziest trains

 Curiosity  18th July 2013 | Author: KidCurious

Trains, who doesn't like trains? I decided to create a list of the baddest, fastest, longest, oldest, most powerful and luxuries trains of all time.

Food for one week in 21 different countries

Food for one week in 21 different countries

 Curiosity  30th October 2013 | Author: mat

Numbers in many ways don't show us the situation in the world and this time you can see by yourself how much food does one family have for one week in 21 different countries around the world.

Every person standing on their own square meter

Every person standing on their own square meter

 Curiosity  29th June 2012 | Author: mat

There are about 7 billion people living on our planet. If we would all stand next to one another on our own square meter, how large would that area have to be? Is North America big enough?

A pod of Killer Whales chasing a small speed boat

A pod of Killer Whales chasing a small speed boat

 Curiosity  22nd January 2014 | Author: KimmyK

Watch this incredible footage of gorgeous Orca killer whales chasing a speeding boat. Trully fascinating and well worth a watch.

Incredibly talented guy playing Star Wars theme on pipe organs

Incredibly talented guy playing Star Wars theme on pipe organs

 Curiosity  28th March 2014 | Author: mat

Super talented guy Jelani Eddington plays a famous Star Wars theme on these incredible looking and sounding organs. Watch and listen to this masterpiece.

Displaying 1-16 of total 46
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