As the Hobbit movie just hit the theaters worldwide it's a perfect time for a short retrospective of all the beautiful locations of New Zealand where the Lord of the Rings trilogy was shot.
Float along Sunita Williams, Indian American astronaut who holds the record for longest space flight by a woman, and let her explain how they use the toilet, how they sleep, eat and other essentials.
An interesting video where a guy explaining why he believes that we have landed on the moon and tells also about waving flag, shadows and everything else.
The amazing timelapse is a beautiful composition of thousands carefully taken photos, shot in 36 cities and 21 countries, capturing the magnificent and prime examples of European architecture.
Truly amazing work by the NYC Grid guys creating images composed of two images at the exactly same location only decades or sometimes even century apart.
We have seen many timelapses featuring aging, but his one in my opinion takes the cake. Filmmaker Anthony Cerniello did a mind-blowing work with this latest clip titled Danielle.
Numbers in many ways don't show us the situation in the world and this time you can see by yourself how much food does one family have for one week in 21 different countries around the world.