When you hear a word virus, you are usually thinking of tiny ugly creatures messing with your body and health, but wait until you see these gorgeous glass replicas of human viruses.
A small group of Russian tourists climbed the guarded pyramid in the shelter of the night and took some impressive shots of the surrounding desert and outskirts of Cairo.
As the Google Reader will cease to exist in a couple of months time, you can start sniffing for the alternative RSS feed reader. Allow me to try and make it really simple for you.
Chernobyl 1986, year when what is believed to be the worst nuclear plant disaster in history happened. Almost 3 decades after this is how the wildlife in the so called inhabitable fallout zone looks like.
The Fiction guys outdone themselves by taking a DJI Phantom quadcopter for a spin. It's a wonderful mix of nature, landscapes and lifestyle clips. A must watch.
Yes you read it right, Heather Dewey-Hagborg makes 3D portraits from the DNA collected from objects like cigarette butts or chewing gums she picks from sidewalks, tossed away by strangers.
The circular grass creations, that look like something out of a different planet scattered throughout the Namib Desert have long been one of the mysteries of science.
This unusual event was recorded off the coast of San Diego. A group or a so called pod of more than 100,000 dolphins was spotted traveling together and coming from all the sides.