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Play retro mini handled games from the eighties

Play retro mini handled games from the eighties

 Fun  29th September 2012 | Author: NikMan

An awesome site where you can play retro mini games like Watch & Play's Donkey Kong and experience the eighties again.

Samsung Nexus 10 hands-on video review

Samsung Nexus 10 hands-on video review

 Technology  2nd November 2012 | Author: TheDude

Check out the video review of the newest Android powered 10 inch tablet by Google, the Samsung Nexus 10.

Famous Solvay Conference photo colorized

Famous Solvay Conference photo colorized

 Knowledge  3rd September 2012 | Author: mat

The original photo was taken in 1927 at the Fifth Solvay Conference where the most prominent and outstanding physicists and chemists got together to talk science.

Space Shuttle Endeavour across Los Angles

Space Shuttle Endeavour across Los Angles

 Other  21st October 2012 | Author: Mukarachi

The space shuttle Endeavour made its final journey, traveling 12-miles from Los Angeles International Airport, through Inglewood, to the California Science Center in Exposition Park.

Top 10 Kickstarter fundings

Top 10 Kickstarter fundings

 Technology  27th March 2013 | Author: mat

Putting a project on Kickstarter to raise the crowd-funding turned out to be highly beneficial for a lot of people and business, especially for the top 10 ones that raised the most.

Trully Amazing Abby - Monsters Animation

Trully Amazing Abby - Monsters Animation

 Fun  10th October 2013 | Author: Sheeva

Gorgeous black and white animation picked by Vimeo staff. Watch it you are in for a visual treat.

Advanced version of the awesomely useless machine

Advanced version of the awesomely useless machine

 Fun  4th January 2013 | Author: mat

This must be one of the pointless yet one of the most addictive gadgets ever made. There is no limit to human imagination and creativity.

Difference between Windows 8 RT and Windows 8

Difference between Windows 8 RT and Windows 8

 Technology  25th October 2012 | Author: mat

There are some confusions about the features and and differences between the Windows 8 RT that came out with the Surface tablet and the "normal" version of Windows 8.

Google Glass wink gesture video demonstration

Google Glass wink gesture video demonstration

 Technology  2nd May 2013 | Author: KidCurious

Apparently Google Glass lets you take pictures by only a wink gesture. It has a second little cam/sensor facing the person wearing it which is suppose to detect eye movement and blinking gestures.

North Korea exposes the western propaganda

North Korea exposes the western propaganda

 Other  19th February 2013 | Author: NikMan

North Korea has made a documentary where they have exposed the western propaganda system. And they are right in most cases.

Man playing with a huge grizzly bear like it's a dog

Man playing with a huge grizzly bear like it's a dog

 Fun  24th January 2014 | Author: TheDude

The way this fearless man is playing with a 8 foot (2.5 meters) beast of a grizzly bear, like you would play with a tame golden retriever is nothing short of amazing.

The new $4 Million Lamborghini Veneno

The new $4 Million Lamborghini Veneno

 Technology  5th March 2013 | Author: Billbong

This amazing looking pieces of machinery goes by the name of Lamborghini Veneno. Only 3 of this high performance street legal racing car will ever be made and sold.

Great add featuring Canon DSLR camera

Great add featuring Canon DSLR camera

 Fun  26th November 2012 | Author: mat

If you are passionate about photography then you will feel right at home watching this funny yet quite realistic Canon Inspired ad.

Playing soccer game on Google's site

Playing soccer game on Google's site

 Fun  9th August 2012 | Author: NikMan

Today, Google offers a interesting soccer game where you must defend you goal. A little bit different like other, but still fun.

Amazing timelapse of European architecture at night

Amazing timelapse of European architecture at night

 Curiosity  9th August 2013 | Author: Sheeva

The amazing timelapse is a beautiful composition of thousands carefully taken photos, shot in 36 cities and 21 countries, capturing the magnificent and prime examples of European architecture.

Detalied video overview of Windows Phone 8

Detalied video overview of Windows Phone 8

 Technology  29th October 2012 | Author: Mukarachi

Microsoft wants to be sure that everybody understands all new features of new mobile operating system, so they made a great video for all of us.

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