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Displaying 65-80 of total 303
Amazing Kuroshio Sea aquarium in Japan

Amazing Kuroshio Sea aquarium in Japan

 Fun  3rd July 2012 | Author: mat

Have a look at this beautiful HD footage of the second largest aquarium tank in the world, really amazing.

Falcons vs. crows dogfight

Falcons vs. crows dogfight

 Knowledge  17th January 2014 | Author: KidCurious

Crows are one of the smartest birds around, but they don't stand a chance against lightning fast and agile falcons. Watch this amazing video to learn how falcons hunt in mid-air from their very perspective.

Panoramic view of Mount Everest

Panoramic view of Mount Everest

 Curiosity  21st January 2013 | Author: NikMan

Spectacular 3D panoramic photograph, where you can experience the highest mountain in the world, peaking at 8848 meters.

How big Google really is?

How big Google really is?

 Curiosity  9th February 2014 | Author: mat

Some people still associate Google only with the most popular search engine in the world. But since Google's founding days in 1998 to present, things have changed. Watch this.

Classic Superman cartoons remastered

Classic Superman cartoons remastered

 Fun  29th January 2013 | Author: mat

All the old school Superman fans, you are going to love this. Warner Bros remastered the old Superman cartoons and put them on YouTube, watch them now.

Mind blowing realistic looking face renders

Mind blowing realistic looking face renders

 Other  28th March 2013 | Author: mat

Take a look at this amazing Real-time character render by the wizards of Activision. The details and mimic really are amazing.

Pixar's Monster University from sketch to screen

Pixar's Monster University from sketch to screen

 Fun  31st July 2013 | Author: Sheeva

One of my all time favorite cartoons Monster Inc. just got a prequel called Monster University and the awesome Pixar guys showed us how the cartoon is made.

Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease

Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease

 Knowledge  4th January 2013 | Author: TheDude

Another great TEDtalk about genetically engineering male mosquitoes to make them sterile, and releasing the insects into the wild, to cut down on disease-carrying species.

Happy SysAdmin day!

Happy SysAdmin day!

 Other  27th July 2012 | Author: mat

July 27 is the day when we show some appreciation to all the hard working System Administrators out there.

Orca leaping 15 feet into the air to capture a dolphin

Orca leaping 15 feet into the air to capture a dolphin

 Curiosity  26th July 2013 | Author: KimmyK

There is nothing unusual for orca (killer whale) to hunt the dolphins but the images you are about to see are nothing short of amazing.

Lion, Tiger and Bear living together

Lion, Tiger and Bear living together

 Other  16th May 2013 | Author: mat

Usually a Lion, Tiger and Bear would be enemies or better said rivals in nature. They are all top predators and masters of their food chains. But not this odd trio.

Photo of the deepest ever view of the Universe

Photo of the deepest ever view of the Universe

 Knowledge  27th September 2012 | Author: Spaceman

NASA just released the latest and the most-farthest view of the space we have ever seen made by the Hubble Telescope. It's spectacular.

Difference between Windows 8 RT and Windows 8

Difference between Windows 8 RT and Windows 8

 Technology  25th October 2012 | Author: mat

There are some confusions about the features and and differences between the Windows 8 RT that came out with the Surface tablet and the "normal" version of Windows 8.

A timelapse message from ISS to all Humankind

A timelapse message from ISS to all Humankind

 Knowledge  30th November 2012 | Author: Spaceman

Prepare to be dazzled. Spectacular timelapse video created from the pictures taken by the astronauts who worked on the International Space Station in the last 11 years.

A smart 13-year old telling you about hacking education

A smart 13-year old telling you about hacking education

 Knowledge  19th December 2013 | Author: mat

Every once in a while you stumble upon extraordinary people that make you really re-think about the current affairs and the ways of the traditional education systems.

Playing soccer game on Google's site

Playing soccer game on Google's site

 Fun  9th August 2012 | Author: NikMan

Today, Google offers a interesting soccer game where you must defend you goal. A little bit different like other, but still fun.

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