Did you know that unlike most creatures goats have rectangular pupils? Step in for many more of the amazingly intriguing facts from the world of nature and beyond you probably were not aware of.
It's that time of the year when The Nobel Prize winners in the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, world peace and economics are being announced.
Yes you read it right, Heather Dewey-Hagborg makes 3D portraits from the DNA collected from objects like cigarette butts or chewing gums she picks from sidewalks, tossed away by strangers.
With Galaxy SIII still selling like hot cakes, we probably won't see its successor quite so soon yet. But you can still check out this amazing concept video of how the new Galaxy S4 running Android 5 could look like.
Every once in a while you stumble upon extraordinary people that make you really re-think about the current affairs and the ways of the traditional education systems.
You certainly don't see these kind of images every day, from tick close up, x-ray of a bat, to a high-tech micrograph of a zebrafish embryo. Check out some of the best images of the year.
Google just announced that you can be one of the chosen ones who will have a chance to get their hands on Google Glass before they go into mass production and hit the market.
Thank god for people like Kevin Richardson who made this beautiful video possible. You will get to see lions and other majestic animals from a whole new first-person perspective.