On June 13th, 2013, the AeroVelo Atlas Human-Powered Helicopter captured the long standing AHS Sikorsky Prize with a flight lasting 64.1 seconds and reaching an altitude of 3.3 metres.
The Sony World Photography Awards is an annual photo competition organized by the World Photography Organisation and here are some of these years best entries.
Is there a mouse out there, that supports multi-touch gestures which make the Windows 8 experience on a non-touch screen computer or laptop better? Please share your thoughts and mice.
Truly amazing work by the NYC Grid guys creating images composed of two images at the exactly same location only decades or sometimes even century apart.
The Fiction guys outdone themselves by taking a DJI Phantom quadcopter for a spin. It's a wonderful mix of nature, landscapes and lifestyle clips. A must watch.
With Galaxy SIII still selling like hot cakes, we probably won't see its successor quite so soon yet. But you can still check out this amazing concept video of how the new Galaxy S4 running Android 5 could look like.
Meet Daniel Tammet, math genius who can recite 22,514 digits of Pi, perform difficult calculations one would usually need a computer to resolve, speak 10 different languages and also happen to be autistic.
The good folks at the Delft University of Technology came up with a dragonfly-like winged machine that can fly completely autonomously until the batteries allow.
Did you know that unlike most creatures goats have rectangular pupils? Step in for many more of the amazingly intriguing facts from the world of nature and beyond you probably were not aware of.
Yes you read it right, Heather Dewey-Hagborg makes 3D portraits from the DNA collected from objects like cigarette butts or chewing gums she picks from sidewalks, tossed away by strangers.