Remember the 5 world records breaking Felix Baumgartner in his epic super sonic free fall from the edge of space? I bet you do, now you can watch the full behind the scenes documentary of this epic event.
David Guttenfelder a veteran photojournalist became one of the very first foreign photogs to be allowed to take pictures in North Korea and so we get to see the rare insight of this isolated country.
Putting a project on Kickstarter to raise the crowd-funding turned out to be highly beneficial for a lot of people and business, especially for the top 10 ones that raised the most.
A Chinese Zheng Chunhui got his place in the Guinness Book of Records for the world's longest wooden craving. His masterpiece is 40 feet long and it's made from a single tree trunk.
Anybody know about the so called Tether Car racing? It looks nuts. Miniature model cars with powerful engines attached to a pole with a wire and going faster and faster.
With Galaxy SIII still selling like hot cakes, we probably won't see its successor quite so soon yet. But you can still check out this amazing concept video of how the new Galaxy S4 running Android 5 could look like.
Slit Camera Photography might be something you never heard of before, but I bet you already saw at least one example of it, you probably just didn't know it's called that way.