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Displaying 145-160 of total 303
Classic Superman cartoons remastered

Classic Superman cartoons remastered

 Fun  29th January 2013 | Author: mat

All the old school Superman fans, you are going to love this. Warner Bros remastered the old Superman cartoons and put them on YouTube, watch them now.

Every person standing on their own square meter

Every person standing on their own square meter

 Curiosity  29th June 2012 | Author: mat

There are about 7 billion people living on our planet. If we would all stand next to one another on our own square meter, how large would that area have to be? Is North America big enough?

A smart 13-year old telling you about hacking education

A smart 13-year old telling you about hacking education

 Knowledge  19th December 2013 | Author: mat

Every once in a while you stumble upon extraordinary people that make you really re-think about the current affairs and the ways of the traditional education systems.

How much gold is there in the whole wide world?

How much gold is there in the whole wide world?

 Knowledge  4th February 2014 | Author: mat

I bet at some point you were wondering how much gold is there in the world. I know I have. See these mind-blowing 3D visualizations of gold compared to everyday objects to get a better perception.

Introduction to first version of Adobe Photoshop

Introduction to first version of Adobe Photoshop

 Curiosity  4th November 2012 | Author: NikMan

Creators of Photoshop, Thomas and John Knill, have started with development in 1987 and version 1.0 was released by Adobe in year 1990.

Top 10 Kickstarter fundings

Top 10 Kickstarter fundings

 Technology  27th March 2013 | Author: mat

Putting a project on Kickstarter to raise the crowd-funding turned out to be highly beneficial for a lot of people and business, especially for the top 10 ones that raised the most.

Food for one week in 21 different countries

Food for one week in 21 different countries

 Curiosity  30th October 2013 | Author: mat

Numbers in many ways don't show us the situation in the world and this time you can see by yourself how much food does one family have for one week in 21 different countries around the world.

PlayStation 4 to be revelead on February 20

PlayStation 4 to be revelead on February 20

 Technology  1st February 2013 | Author: mat

Sony just twitted a video teaser announcing the PlayStation 2013 event. The event will took place on February 20 and we expect to see their next generation PlayStation gaming console the PlayStation 4.

Great comparison between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Great comparison between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

 Technology  22nd November 2013 | Author: NikMan

Great comparison between two greatest gaming consoles available today on market. It will help you if you are thinking about buying them.

Amazing timelaps video taken from space

Amazing timelaps video taken from space

 Fun  22nd July 2012 | Author: TheDude

You need to see this, it's a timlapse video made of photographs taken from the International Space Station.

Find Easter Eggs on Google's Developers page

Find Easter Eggs on Google's Developers page

 Fun  7th March 2013 | Author: mat

Google is known for their fun and creative way to hide the so called easter eggs around their websites. This one sure is one of the best.

6 Famous 60-Second Adventures of Thought

6 Famous 60-Second Adventures of Thought

 Knowledge  7th November 2013 | Author: mat

Watch this entertaining and educational short animations, brought to you by cool people at Open University.

Commercial explaining how to steal LG television

Commercial explaining how to steal LG television

 Fun  7th August 2012 | Author: NikMan

LG has made a really innovative commercial and presented us how to steal their televisions with ease.

Beautiful and rare Instagram photos of North Korea

Beautiful and rare Instagram photos of North Korea

 Curiosity  20th December 2013 | Author: Sheeva

David Guttenfelder a veteran photojournalist became one of the very first foreign photogs to be allowed to take pictures in North Korea and so we get to see the rare insight of this isolated country.

Man had his hand attached to his ankle

Man had his hand attached to his ankle

 Knowledge  17th December 2013 | Author: KidCurious

Xiao Wei had an accident and lost his right arm, but as his severed hand needed some time to heal, surgeons couldn't reattach instantly. 

Historic moments blended with modern time photos

Historic moments blended with modern time photos

 Other  11th April 2013 | Author: TheDude

Amazing images made out of photos of modern day locations blended together with historic events that took place at those very locations. Amazing work, you need to see these.

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