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8 March International Women's Day

8 March International Women's Day

 Knowledge  8th March 2013 | Author: mat

A short walk through the history of the globally celebrated and honoured International Women's Day.

How to virtualise Windows 8 Release Preview

How to virtualise Windows 8 Release Preview

 Knowledge  10th July 2012 | Author: mat

If you want to have a go at the latest Windows 8 Release Preview, you can install it in your existing Windows 7 installation using VMware Player free virtualization software.

Interesting facts from nature and world in general

Interesting facts from nature and world in general

 Knowledge  21st August 2013 | Author: KimmyK

Did you know that unlike most creatures goats have rectangular pupils? Step in for many more of the amazingly intriguing facts from the world of nature and beyond you probably were not aware of.

Incredibly talented guy playing Star Wars theme on pipe organs

Incredibly talented guy playing Star Wars theme on pipe organs

 Curiosity  28th March 2014 | Author: mat

Super talented guy Jelani Eddington plays a famous Star Wars theme on these incredible looking and sounding organs. Watch and listen to this masterpiece.

Windows 8 Pro now available for $40 or 30€

Windows 8 Pro now available for $40 or 30€

 Other  26th October 2012 | Author: TheDude

Microsoft just released a special deal for upgrading your notebook or desktop computer to Windows 8 Pro with a help of Upgrade Assistant.

3D printed faces based on DNA found on objects

3D printed faces based on DNA found on objects

 Other  6th May 2013 | Author: KidCurious

Yes you read it right, Heather Dewey-Hagborg makes 3D portraits from the DNA collected from objects like cigarette butts or chewing gums she picks from sidewalks, tossed away by strangers.

Best 2013 Super Bowl Commercials

Best 2013 Super Bowl Commercials

 Fun  4th February 2013 | Author: NikMan

Check out the best commercials that costed 4 millions for only thirty seconds in the biggest sport event in USA.

Amazing timelaps video taken from space

Amazing timelaps video taken from space

 Fun  22nd July 2012 | Author: TheDude

You need to see this, it's a timlapse video made of photographs taken from the International Space Station.

Unbelievable anamorphic illusions

Unbelievable anamorphic illusions

 Fun  1st December 2012 | Author: Jenny

Check out this video, where you will see really interesting anamorphic illusions with links to download them and try them by yourself at home.

852 Instagram photos turned into a short film

852 Instagram photos turned into a short film

 Fun  22nd November 2013 | Author: Sheeva

French filmmaker downloaded 852 different photos from all over the world from Instagram and created this amazing 1:45 minute clip.

How much gold is there in the whole wide world?

How much gold is there in the whole wide world?

 Knowledge  4th February 2014 | Author: mat

I bet at some point you were wondering how much gold is there in the world. I know I have. See these mind-blowing 3D visualizations of gold compared to everyday objects to get a better perception.

The most high-res topographic map of moon ever

The most high-res topographic map of moon ever

 Knowledge  5th December 2012 | Author: Spaceman

The new map from Arizona State University in Tempe, shows the shapes and features of nearly the entire moon's surface.

Full length movies on YouTube

Full length movies on YouTube

 Fun  18th December 2012 | Author: mat

There is quite a fair amount of full length Hollywood movies on YouTube, so we decided to create a nice clean list with short descriptions and links. You are more than welcome to contribute.

Gotye song played by old computer parts

Gotye song played by old computer parts

 Fun  3rd October 2012 | Author: TheDude

Amazing remix of a great Somebody That I Used To Know song by Gotye remixed by, wait for it, old computer parts.

Amazing life on the International Space Station

Amazing life on the International Space Station

 Curiosity  7th January 2013 | Author: mat

Float along Sunita Williams, Indian American astronaut who holds the record for longest space flight by a woman, and let her explain how they use the toilet, how they sleep, eat and other essentials.

Google Glass wink gesture video demonstration

Google Glass wink gesture video demonstration

 Technology  2nd May 2013 | Author: KidCurious

Apparently Google Glass lets you take pictures by only a wink gesture. It has a second little cam/sensor facing the person wearing it which is suppose to detect eye movement and blinking gestures.

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